@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+* 32-bit multicycle divider
+module Divider(
+ input clk,
+ input reset,
+ input start,
+ input [31:0] data,
+ output done,
+ output [31:0] q
+module Divider #(
+ parameter WIDTH=32, // width of numbers in bits (integer and fractional)
+ parameter FBITS=16 // fractional bits within WIDTH
+ ) (
+ input clk, // clock
+ input rst, // reset
+ input start, // start calculation
+ input write_a,
+ output reg busy = 1'b0, // calculation in progress
+ output reg done = 1'b0, // calculation is complete (high for one tick)
+ output reg valid = 1'b0, // result is valid
+ output reg dbz = 1'b0, // divide by zero
+ output reg ovf = 1'b0, // overflow
+ input signed [WIDTH-1:0] a_in, // dividend (numerator)
+ input signed [WIDTH-1:0] b, // divisor (denominator)
+ output reg signed [WIDTH-1:0] val = 32'd0 // result value: quotient
+ );
+ reg signed [WIDTH-1:0] a = 0;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (write_a)
+ begin
+ a <= a_in;
+ end
+ end
+ localparam WIDTHU = WIDTH - 1; // unsigned widths are 1 bit narrower
+ localparam FBITSW = (FBITS == 0) ? 1 : FBITS; // avoid negative vector width when FBITS=0
+ localparam SMALLEST = {1'b1, {WIDTHU{1'b0}}}; // smallest negative number
+ localparam ITER = WIDTHU + FBITS; // iteration count: unsigned input width + fractional bits
+ reg [$clog2(ITER):0] i; // iteration counter (allow ITER+1 iterations for rounding)
+ reg a_sig = 1'b0;
+ reg b_sig = 1'b0;
+ reg sig_diff = 1'b0; // signs of inputs and whether different
+ reg [WIDTHU-1:0] au = 0;
+ reg [WIDTHU-1:0] bu = 0; // absolute version of inputs (unsigned)
+ reg [WIDTHU-1:0] quo = 0;
+ reg [WIDTHU-1:0] quo_next = 0; // intermediate quotients (unsigned)
+ reg [WIDTHU:0] acc = 0;
+ reg [WIDTHU:0] acc_next = 0; // accumulator (unsigned but 1 bit wider)
+ // input signs
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ a_sig = a[WIDTH-1+:1];
+ b_sig = b[WIDTH-1+:1];
+ end
+ // division algorithm iteration
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ if (acc >= {1'b0, bu}) begin
+ acc_next = acc - bu;
+ {acc_next, quo_next} = {acc_next[WIDTHU-1:0], quo, 1'b1};
+ end else begin
+ {acc_next, quo_next} = {acc, quo} << 1;
+ end
+ end
+ // calculation state machine
+ parameter IDLE = 5'd0;
+ parameter INIT = 5'd1;
+ parameter CALC = 5'd2;
+ parameter ROUND = 5'd3;
+ parameter SIGN = 5'd4;
+ parameter DONE = 5'd5;
+ reg [2:0] state = IDLE;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ done <= 0;
+ case (state)
+ INIT: begin
+ state <= CALC;
+ ovf <= 0;
+ i <= 0;
+ {acc, quo} <= {{WIDTHU{1'b0}}, au, 1'b0}; // initialize calculation
+ end
+ CALC: begin
+ if (i == WIDTHU-1 && quo_next[WIDTHU-1:WIDTHU-FBITSW] != 0) begin // overflow
+ state <= DONE;
+ busy <= 0;
+ done <= 1;
+ ovf <= 1;
+ end else begin
+ if (i == ITER-1) state <= ROUND; // calculation complete after next iteration
+ i <= i + 1;
+ acc <= acc_next;
+ quo <= quo_next;
+ end
+ end
+ ROUND: begin // Gaussian rounding
+ state <= SIGN;
+ if (quo_next[0] == 1'b1) begin // next digit is 1, so consider rounding
+ // round up if quotient is odd or remainder is non-zero
+ if (quo[0] == 1'b1 || acc_next[WIDTHU:1] != 0) quo <= quo + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ SIGN: begin // adjust quotient sign if non-zero and input signs differ
+ state <= DONE;
+ if (quo != 0) val <= (sig_diff) ? {1'b1, -quo} : {1'b0, quo};
+ busy <= 0;
+ done <= 1;
+ valid <= 1;
+ end
+ DONE: begin
+ done <= 1;
+ state <= IDLE;
+ end
+ default: begin // IDLE
+ if (start) begin
+ valid <= 0;
+ if (b == 0) begin // divide by zero
+ state <= DONE;
+ busy <= 0;
+ done <= 1;
+ dbz <= 1;
+ ovf <= 0;
+ end else if (a == SMALLEST || b == SMALLEST) begin // overflow
+ state <= DONE;
+ busy <= 0;
+ done <= 1;
+ dbz <= 0;
+ ovf <= 1;
+ end else begin
+ state <= INIT;
+ au <= (a_sig) ? -a[WIDTHU-1:0] : a[WIDTHU-1:0]; // register abs(a)
+ bu <= (b_sig) ? -b[WIDTHU-1:0] : b[WIDTHU-1:0]; // register abs(b)
+ sig_diff <= (a_sig ^ b_sig); // register input sign difference
+ busy <= 1;
+ dbz <= 0;
+ ovf <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ if (rst) begin
+ state <= IDLE;
+ busy <= 0;
+ done <= 0;
+ valid <= 0;
+ dbz <= 0;
+ ovf <= 0;
+ val <= 0;
+ end
+ end