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Here I keep a list of my latest progress and a TODO list (very very outdated!)

Big Progress log (truncated to latest progress, last entry at the bottom of the list)

  • Reimplemented SPI module. Now uses 6.25MHz SPI clock (verified stable for CH376)
  • Added a way to access SPI flash using a SPI(3) module. Can switch between SPIreader and SPI3 using a memory address
  • Restructured Ccompiler changes to be less ad hoc and more streamlined (for working with and between memspots, regspots and literalspots)
  • Designed and ordered V2 of the I/O Board PCB (4 layer)
  • Created SPI flash programmer, removing the need for an external one
  • Assembled new PCB
  • New memory map, restructured the way SPI works (CS and Int), most libraries are updated now
  • Started on OS (BDOS)
  • Terminal GFX driver, FS driver, PS2 driver, USB keyboard driver, HID fifo driver done, started on shell
  • More commands working for shell, new fast division algorithm
  • USB bootloader (RUN command) and network bootloader implemented
  • SPI speeds for flash and W5500 are now 25MHz

TODO since new PCB

Things I need/want to fix/do since PCB v2 (has duplicates with Future plans)

  • Implement true GPIO (Stabilize GPIO when module)
  • Stabilize PS/2 input
  • Add all signals to gtkwave for simulation
  • Make pictures for documentation

Future plans

These are kinda ordered based on priority

  • Add option to compiler/assembler to compile for OS
  • Write demo code in C, for OS
  • Implement true GPIO
  • Stabilize PS/2 input
  • Stabilize GPIO when module
  • Add all signals to gtkwave for simulation
  • Improve C compiler
  • Move ROM to MU
  • Clean up and improve tools/scripts (arguments/functionality)
  • Clean up unused files in PCB folders
  • Change all static paths in the project to relative ones
  • Improve ESP32Synth (for non-live settings, maybe midi buffer to reduce timers)
  • Or, start designing Verilog Synth
  • Improve sprite renderer design, since it uses (space/logic-wise) half of the entire design
  • Create a pattern and palette table generator
  • Write a platformer game
  • Change speed of FT232RL to 1Mboud
  • UART buffer mode in hardware
  • Add Gameboy printer via Arduino to I/O


Random ideas that came up at some point. Some might be stupid tho.

  • Create very very basic floating point unit, though it might be difficult to implement it into the C compiler
  • Optimize timings in many Verilog files, since it has been quite some time
  • Also, 'fix' as many warnings as possible
  • Contstrain divided clocks?
  • Write verilog tests for single modules

Todo documentation

  • BDOS page
    • memory map
    • all functions/libraries
  • table of interrupt ids and how to obtain them
  • gallery page
  • installation/setup page
  • build it yourself page
  • really, I should add more pictures and examples (of video output, simulation, hardware)
  • add DSUB9 pinout
  • add (probably in specs section) the FPGA usage statistics
    • note that the sprite renderer takes almost half of the FPGA, because many big registers
  • talk about memory bottleneck, Instructions per clock cycle
  • add design mistakes for io wing (uart pulldown, no shield to ground)
  • add uart bootloader code/description to bootloader section
  • think about removing bootloader code in documentation
  • add some snippet of code + binary in assembler documentation
  • check if uart bootloader jumpt to addr 5 or addr 0 when done
  • add something about the nconf button remapping wire on the PCB page
  • add something about the automatic dtr reset
  • add new functions to assembler page
    • rbp rsp mapped to r14 r15 for c compiler
    • added negative offset option for read, write and copy instruction
  • add picture of SPI flasher, and add/improve instructions on how to use them (seperate page + commands + hardware mod of spi module)
  • add something about WSL2
  • note that r7 is used as temp reg to store address of label in read/write instructions
  • only global int and int[x] are allowed, no char, since size allocation goes wrong
  • register/assembly info for c compiler
  • add schematic of pcb
  • add info about w5500 hardware and software
  • note about how to get the USB flash drive to properly formatted: Minitool Partition Wizard, reinitialize MBR, add Fat32 value with cluster? size of 2KB
  • [done] Add neg offset flag in READ and WRITE and COPY instructions
  • [done] Implement neg offset for READ and WRITE and COPY instructions
  • [done] Map the name rbp and rsp to r14 and r15 in assembler
  • [done] add int1-4 functions, with automatic backup and restore of ALL registers to HW stack
  • [done] add prefix main (as header) with load 0x700000 rsp
  • [done] in asm main prefix header, get return value from label_main and send it over UART
  • [done] add more instructions and test files
  • [done] add inline assembly for fast code like copying tables
  • [done] add static defines
  • [done] add hex support!!! (and binary while at it) (also in defines)
  • [done] add bitwise | ^ and & operators (look at commit 31180511de0f95cf5dbda0bf98df71901a2fd1ed)
  • [done] print static string in correct asm format (.dw without commas)
  • [done] Fix empty label problem in ASSEMBLER! by adding a nop when detected
  • [done] Rewrite and streamline il_cmds
  • Fix global array indexing using variables in global variables
  • Improve global array definition (eg: when no value is set)
  • Fix commenting out asm code
  • Remove requirement to add intX() functions
  • Add wrapper for extended interrupts
  • Improve performance of certain libraries by using assembly
  • Add timer 1 interrupt code to assembly wrapper
  • Change or r0 const rx to load const rx
  • Maybe add some hotfix for number not fitting in register by using temp reg
  • eventually clean up code, remove size arg

Future hardware/pcb improvements

  • Stop using hard to solder 32bit video dacs, and go back to a simple but 75ohm terminated 8 bit resistor dac (Which will fix yellow-ish white as well, use op-amps or buffers)
  • Make sure logo is not covered up by W5500 module
  • Pull-down? on dtr
  • Find out what draws so much current
  • New audio solution (TODO: requirements and goals)

Future improvements (FPGC5?)

  • Do not use any negedge statements. Do everything on posedge, because everyone says that is the way to go when using FPGAs
  • Separate set of registers for interrupts, or an instruction that backs up/swaps given registers (bit per register)
  • Better bus protocol between CPU and MU, with no cycles overhead
  • Byte addressable memory
  • Maybe DMA controller (probably not tho, unless useful for future OS)
  • Maybe some way to use 3D rendering with a frame buffer, though it is already complicated to make use of 2D rendering.
  • Optimize SPI to SDRAM by using one (two including size) big sequential read