123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869 |
- /*
- * NTSC encoder
- */
- module NTSC(
- input clk, //14.31818MHz
- output wire [7:0] ntscBase,
- output wire colorburst,
- output wire hsync,
- output wire vsync,
- output wire hactive,
- output wire vactive,
- output reg [11:0] hcount,
- output reg [11:0] vcount,
- output wire frameDrawn
- );
- //assign hcountDiv2 = hcount >> 1; // divide by 2 to get 320 pixels instead of 640
- localparam HLINECYCLES = 910; // hline: 910 cycles for 63.555us (227.5 color burst cycles), 0.3V
- localparam VLINES = 263; // frame: 263 lines per frame, all the same, for 240P
- localparam HSYNCCYCLES = 67; // hsync: first 67 cycles of line, 0V
- localparam VSYNCCYCLES = 421; // vsync: first line: 421 cycles, apparently no hsync needed, 0V
- localparam HACTIVESTART = 196; // 0.35V Black to 1V White
- localparam HACTIVEDURATION = 640; //
- localparam VACTIVESTART = 40; //
- localparam VACTIVEDURATION = 200; //
- localparam COLORBURSTSTART = 70; // start a bit after hsync, 4.7+ (2.2/2) = 5.8, but a bit earlier, because extra cycle
- localparam COLORBURSTDURATION = 60; // 10 color burst cycles = 10*4 = 36
- //wire hsync;
- //wire vsync;
- assign hsync = hcount < HSYNCCYCLES;
- assign vsync = (vcount == 12'd0) && (hcount < VSYNCCYCLES);
- assign hactive = (hcount >= HACTIVESTART) && (hcount < (HACTIVESTART + HACTIVEDURATION));
- assign vactive = (vcount >= VACTIVESTART) && (vcount < (VACTIVESTART + VACTIVEDURATION));
- assign colorburst = !vsync && (hcount >= COLORBURSTSTART) && (hcount < (COLORBURSTSTART + COLORBURSTDURATION));
- assign ntscBase = (hsync || vsync) ? 8'd0: // low on sync
- //(hactive && vactive && vcount > 8'd200) ? 8'b11011001: // 255-38 for color modulation
- //(hactive) ? 8'd89: // officially: 8'd89 black level -> 0.35v
- 8'd72; // blank level -> 0.3v (77)
- //assign colorActive = vactive && hcount >= HACTIVESTART + 64 && hcount < HACTIVESTART + 576;
- always @(posedge clk)
- begin
- if (hcount != HLINECYCLES - 1)
- hcount <= hcount + 1'b1;
- else
- begin
- hcount <= 0;
- if (vcount != VLINES - 1)
- vcount <= vcount + 1'b1;
- else
- vcount <= 0;
- end
- end
- initial
- begin
- hcount = 12'd0;
- vcount = 12'd0;
- end
- assign frameDrawn = (vcount == 0 && hcount < 12'd32);
- endmodule