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BCC build instructions

This page shows how to build C written software for the FPGC using BCC

Compiling BCC using GCC

To compile the compiler, run make in the BCC/ directory. This will build the bcc binary which can then be used to compile C code into ASM code.

Compile bare metal C program

To compile a C program to run directly on the FPGC, run bcc {code.c} {file.asm}. To also assemble and program the FPGC, a convenience script compileBareMetal.sh can be used.

Compile BDOS

To compile the operating system BDOS, run bcc --os {BDOS.c} {file.asm}. To also assemble and program the FPGC, a convenience script compileBDOS.sh can be used.

Compile userBDOS program

To compile a program to be run as a program within BDOS, run bcc --bdos {program.c} {file.asm}. To also assemble, send/upload and run the program on the FPGC, two convenience scripts can be used: sendToBDOS.sh to send the program over the network and run it directly from memory, and uploadToBDOS.sh [filename to store] to upload the program over the network to store it in the filesystem.

Compile userBDOS program from FPGC

A user program can also be compiled from the FPGC itself using the bcc userBDOS program found in BCC/FPGCbuildTools/bcc/. Within BDOS, run bcc {code.c} {file.asm}. As of writing there is no scripting support, so no convenience script to also assemble the program exists.