specs.md 1.4 KB


These are the current specifications of the FPGC6.


  • 50MHz 5-stage pipelined CPU with option to add L1 cache
  • 32bit instructions
  • 16 32bit registers, of which 15 are General Purpose, R0 is always 0
  • 27bit program counter for a possible address space of 0.5GiB at 32bit
  • Easily extendable amount of hardware interrupts, currently 8 in use


  • 320x200 at 256 colors Tile-based rendering GPU with selectable HDMI (480P) and NTSC (240P) output
  • Two layers of 8x8 Tiles of which one layer (background) has horizontal hardware scrolling support
  • (currently not working anymore) One Sprite layer with support for 64 Sprites. Max 16 Sprites per horizontal line


  • 16MiB external SPI flash in two modes:
    • QSPI with continuous read mode @ 25MHz: 32bit addresses. Read Only!
    • SPI bus mode @ 25MHz: Accessible as a normal SPI device
  • 32MiB SDRAM @ 100MHz. 32bit addresses. Used as main memory
  • ~16.4KiB VRAM (SRAM). Combination of 32, 8 and 9bit addresses for tile based rendering
  • 2KiB internal ROM for the Bootloader. 32bit addresses
  • 4.125KiB Hardware Stack (SRAM). 32bit addresses, internal to CPU


  • Memory mapped I/O
  • 3 One Shot (OS) timers
  • PS/2 Keyboard support
  • UART and power over USB
  • 4 GPI and 4 GPO pins (will become 8 true GPIO pins eventually)
  • I2S DAC for future audio support
  • 2 USB host ports with FAT(12/16/32) file system support using a CH376T controller over SPI
  • Ethernet using W5500 over SPI