/* * B32P CPU */ /* Features: - 5 stage pipeline - fetch FE (1) - decode DE (2) - execute EX (3) - memory MEM (4) - write back WB (5) - Hazard detection: - flush - stall (MEM to reg) - forward - Extendable amount of interrupts - higher priority for lower interrupt numbers - Variable delay support from InstrMem and DataMem: - NOTE/BUG: the instruction after a READ or WRITE was skipped if there is a DataMem delay but no InstrMem delay This might still be a problem when caching is implemented */ module CPU( input clk, reset, output [26:0] bus_addr, output [31:0] bus_data, output bus_we, output bus_start, input [31:0] bus_q, input bus_done, // sdram bus output [23:0] sdc_addr, // bus_addr output [31:0] sdc_data, // bus_data output sdc_we, // bus_we output sdc_start, // bus_start input [31:0] sdc_q, // bus_q input sdc_done, // bus_done input int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9, int10, output [26:0] PC ); parameter PCstart = 27'hC02522; // internal ROM addr 0 //27'hC02522; parameter PCincrease = 1'b1; // number of addresses to increase the PC with after each instruction parameter InterruptJumpAddr = 27'd1; /* * CPU BUS */ wire [31:0] arbiter_q; wire [31:0] addr_a; wire [31:0] data_a; wire we_a; wire start_a; wire done_a; wire [31:0] addr_b; wire [31:0] data_b; wire we_b; wire start_b; wire done_b; wire [26:0] arbiter_bus_addr; // bus_addr wire [31:0] arbiter_bus_data; // bus_data wire arbiter_bus_we; // bus_we wire arbiter_bus_start; // bus_start wire [31:0] arbiter_bus_q; // bus_q wire arbiter_bus_done; // bus_done // bus splitter assign sdc_addr = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? arbiter_bus_addr: 24'd0; assign sdc_data = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? arbiter_bus_data: 32'd0; assign sdc_we = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? arbiter_bus_we: 1'b0; assign sdc_start = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? arbiter_bus_start: 1'b0; assign bus_addr = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? 27'd0: arbiter_bus_addr; assign bus_data = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? 32'd0: arbiter_bus_data; assign bus_we = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? 1'b0: arbiter_bus_we; assign bus_start = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? 1'b0: arbiter_bus_start; assign arbiter_bus_q = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? sdc_q: bus_q; assign arbiter_bus_done = (arbiter_bus_addr < 27'h800000) ? sdc_done: bus_done; Arbiter arbiter ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), // port a (Instr) .addr_a(addr_a), .data_a(data_a), .we_a(we_a), .start_a(start_a), .done_a(done_a), // port b (Data) .addr_b(addr_b), .data_b(data_b), .we_b(we_b), .start_b(start_b), .done_b(done_b), // output (both ports) .q(arbiter_q), // bus .bus_addr(arbiter_bus_addr), .bus_data(arbiter_bus_data), .bus_we(arbiter_bus_we), .bus_start(arbiter_bus_start), .bus_q(arbiter_bus_q), .bus_done(arbiter_bus_done) ); /* * Interrupts */ reg intDisabled = 1'b0; wire intCPU; wire [7:0] intID; IntController intController( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .int1(int1), .int2(int2), .int3(int3), .int4(int4), .int5(int5), .int6(int6), .int7(int7), .int8(int8), .int9(int9), .int10(int10), .intDisabled(intDisabled), .intCPU(intCPU), .intID(intID) ); // Registers for flush, stall and forwarding reg flush_FE, flush_DE, flush_EX, flush_MEM, flush_WB; reg stall_FE, stall_DE, stall_EX, stall_MEM, stall_WB; reg [1:0] forward_a, forward_b; // Cache delays wire instr_hit_FE; wire datamem_busy_MEM; /* * FETCH (FE) */ // Program Counter, start at ROM[0] reg [31:0] pc_FE = PCstart; reg [31:0] pc_FE_backup = 32'd0; wire [31:0] pc4_FE; assign pc4_FE = pc_FE + 1'b1; assign PC = pc_FE; wire [31:0] PC_backup_current; assign PC_backup_current = pc4_EX - PCincrease; // branch/jump/halt properly aligns interrupt with pipeline, as if it was a normal jump // this fixed all instability since the addition of caching (because this decreased the time to obtain instructions) assign interruptValid = ( intCPU && !intDisabled && PC_backup_current < PCstart && ( branch_MEM || jumpr_MEM || jumpc_MEM || halt_MEM ) ); always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin pc_FE <= PCstart; pc_FE_backup <= 32'd0; intDisabled <= 1'b0; end else begin // interrupt has highest priority if (interruptValid) begin intDisabled <= 1'b1; pc_FE_backup <= PC_backup_current; pc_FE <= InterruptJumpAddr; end else if (reti_MEM) begin intDisabled <= 1'b0; pc_FE <= pc_FE_backup; end // jump has priority over instruction cache stalls else if (jumpc_MEM || jumpr_MEM || halt_MEM || (branch_MEM && branch_passed_MEM)) begin pc_FE <= jump_addr_MEM; end else if (stall_FE || (!instr_hit_FE) ) begin pc_FE <= pc_FE; end else begin pc_FE <= pc4_FE; end end end //------------L1i Cache-------------- //CPU bus wire [31:0] l1i_addr; // address to write or to start reading from wire [31:0] l1i_data; // data to write wire l1i_we; // write enable wire l1i_start; // start trigger wire [31:0] l1i_q; // memory output wire l1i_done; // output ready L1Icache l1icache( .clk (clk), .reset (reset), .cache_reset (clearCache_EX | clearCache_MEM), // CPU bus .l2_addr (l1i_addr), .l2_data (l1i_data), .l2_we (l1i_we), .l2_start (l1i_start), .l2_q (l1i_q), .l2_done (l1i_done), // sdram bus .sdc_addr (addr_a), .sdc_data (data_a), .sdc_we (we_a), .sdc_start (start_a), .sdc_q (arbiter_q), .sdc_done (done_a) ); // Instruction Memory // should eventually become a memory with variable latency // writes directly to next stage wire [31:0] instr_DE; InstrMem instrMem( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .addr(pc_FE), .q(instr_DE), .hit(instr_hit_FE), // bus .bus_addr(l1i_addr), .bus_data(l1i_data), .bus_we(l1i_we), .bus_start(l1i_start), .bus_q(l1i_q), .bus_done(l1i_done), .hold(stall_FE), .clear(flush_FE) ); // Pass data from FE to DE wire [31:0] pc4_DE; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_pc4_FE_DE( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_FE), .clear(reset||flush_FE), .in(pc4_FE), .out(pc4_DE) ); /* * DECODE (DE) */ // Instruction Decoder wire [3:0] areg_DE, breg_DE, instrOP_DE; wire he_DE, oe_DE, sig_DE; InstructionDecoder instrDec_DE( .instr(instr_DE), .instrOP(instrOP_DE), .aluOP(), .constAlu(), .const16(), .const27(), .areg(areg_DE), .breg(breg_DE), .dreg(), .he(he_DE), .oe(oe_DE), .sig(sig_DE) ); // Control Unit wire alu_use_const_DE; wire push_DE, pop_DE; wire dreg_we_DE; wire mem_write_DE, mem_read_DE; wire jumpc_DE, jumpr_DE, branch_DE, halt_DE, reti_DE, clearCache_DE; wire getIntID_DE, getPC_DE; ControlUnit controlUnit( // in .instrOP (instrOP_DE), .he (he_DE), // out .alu_use_const (alu_use_const_DE), .push (push_DE), .pop (pop_DE), .dreg_we (dreg_we_DE), .mem_write (mem_write_DE), .mem_read (mem_read_DE), .jumpc (jumpc_DE), .jumpr (jumpr_DE), .halt (halt_DE), .reti (reti_DE), .branch (branch_DE), .getIntID (getIntID_DE), .getPC (getPC_DE), .clearCache (clearCache_DE) ); // Register Bank // writes directly to next stage wire [31:0] data_a_EX, data_b_EX; wire [3:0] dreg_WB; wire dreg_we_WB; reg [31:0] data_d_WB; Regbank regbank( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .addr_a(areg_DE), .addr_b(breg_DE), .data_a(data_a_EX), .data_b(data_b_EX), // from WB stage .addr_d(dreg_WB), .data_d(data_d_WB), .we(dreg_we_WB), .hold(stall_DE), .clear(flush_DE) ); // Pass data from DE to EX // Set to 0 during stall (bubble) wire [31:0] instr_EX; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_instr_DE_EX( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_DE), .clear(reset||flush_DE || stall_DE), .in(instr_DE), .out(instr_EX) ); wire [31:0] pc4_EX; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_pc4_DE_EX( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_DE), .clear(reset||flush_DE), .in(pc4_DE), .out(pc4_EX) ); // Set to 0 during stall (bubble) wire alu_use_const_EX; wire push_EX, pop_EX; wire dreg_we_EX; wire mem_write_EX, mem_read_EX; wire jumpc_EX, jumpr_EX, halt_EX, reti_EX, branch_EX, clearCache_EX; wire getIntID_EX, getPC_EX; Regr #(.N(14)) regr_cuflags_DE_EX( .clk (clk), .hold (stall_DE), .clear (reset||flush_DE || stall_DE), .in ({alu_use_const_DE, push_DE, pop_DE, dreg_we_DE, mem_write_DE, mem_read_DE, jumpc_DE, jumpr_DE, halt_DE, reti_DE, branch_DE, getIntID_DE, getPC_DE, clearCache_DE}), .out ({alu_use_const_EX, push_EX, pop_EX, dreg_we_EX, mem_write_EX, mem_read_EX, jumpc_EX, jumpr_EX, halt_EX, reti_EX, branch_EX, getIntID_EX, getPC_EX, clearCache_EX}) ); /* * EXECUTE (EX) */ // Instruction Decoder wire [31:0] alu_const16_EX, alu_const16u_EX; wire [3:0] aluOP_EX; wire [3:0] areg_EX, breg_EX, dreg_EX; InstructionDecoder instrDec_EX( .instr(instr_EX), .instrOP(), .aluOP(aluOP_EX), .constAlu(alu_const16_EX), .constAluu(alu_const16u_EX), .const16(), .const27(), .areg(areg_EX), .breg(breg_EX), .dreg(dreg_EX), .he(), .oe(), .sig() ); // ALU wire [31:0] alu_result_EX; // select constant or register for input b wire[31:0] alu_input_b_EX; assign alu_input_b_EX = (alu_use_const_EX && aluOP_EX[3:1] == 3'b110) ? alu_const16u_EX : // unsigned const for load(hi) instruction (alu_use_const_EX) ? alu_const16_EX : data_b_EX; // if forwarding, select forwarded data instead for input a of ALU reg [31:0] fw_data_a_EX; always @(*) begin case (forward_a) 2'd1: fw_data_a_EX <= alu_result_MEM; 2'd2: fw_data_a_EX <= data_d_WB; default: fw_data_a_EX <= data_a_EX; endcase end // if forwarding, select forwarded data instead for input b of ALU reg [31:0] fw_data_b_EX; always @(*) begin case (forward_b) 2'd1: fw_data_b_EX <= alu_result_MEM; 2'd2: fw_data_b_EX <= data_d_WB; default: fw_data_b_EX <= alu_input_b_EX; endcase end ALU alu( .clk(clk), .opcode(aluOP_EX), .ax(fw_data_a_EX), .bx(fw_data_b_EX), .y(alu_result_EX) ); // for special instructions, pass other data than alu result wire [31:0] execute_result_EX; assign execute_result_EX = (getPC_EX) ? pc4_EX - 1'b1: (getIntID_EX) ? intID: alu_result_EX; // Pass data from EX to MEM wire [31:0] instr_MEM; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_instr_EX_MEM( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_EX), .clear(reset||flush_EX), .in(instr_EX), .out(instr_MEM) ); wire [31:0] data_a_MEM, data_b_MEM; Regr #(.N(64)) regr_regdata_EX_MEM( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_EX), .clear(reset||flush_EX), .in({fw_data_a_EX, fw_data_b_EX}), // forwarded data .out({data_a_MEM, data_b_MEM}) ); wire [31:0] pc4_MEM; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_pc4_EX_MEM( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_EX), .clear(reset||flush_EX), .in(pc4_EX), .out(pc4_MEM) ); wire push_MEM, pop_MEM; wire dreg_we_MEM; wire mem_write_MEM, mem_read_MEM; wire jumpc_MEM, jumpr_MEM, halt_MEM, reti_MEM, branch_MEM, clearCache_MEM; Regr #(.N(11)) regr_cuflags_EX_MEM( .clk (clk), .hold (stall_EX), .clear (reset||flush_EX), .in ({push_EX, pop_EX, dreg_we_EX, mem_write_EX, mem_read_EX, jumpc_EX, jumpr_EX, halt_EX, reti_EX, branch_EX, clearCache_EX}), .out ({push_MEM, pop_MEM, dreg_we_MEM, mem_write_MEM, mem_read_MEM, jumpc_MEM, jumpr_MEM, halt_MEM, reti_MEM, branch_MEM, clearCache_MEM}) ); wire [31:0] alu_result_MEM; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_alu_result_EX_MEM( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_EX), .clear(reset||flush_EX), .in(execute_result_EX), // other data in case of special instructions .out(alu_result_MEM) ); /* * MEMORY (MEM) */ // Instruction Decoder wire [31:0] const16_MEM; wire [26:0] const27_MEM; wire [2:0] branchOP_MEM; wire oe_MEM, sig_MEM; wire [3:0] dreg_MEM; InstructionDecoder instrDec_MEM( .instr(instr_MEM), .instrOP(), .aluOP(), .branchOP(branchOP_MEM), .constAlu(), .const16(const16_MEM), .const27(const27_MEM), .areg(), .breg(), .dreg(dreg_MEM), .he(), .oe(oe_MEM), .sig(sig_MEM) ); reg [31:0] jump_addr_MEM; always @(*) begin jump_addr_MEM <= 32'd0; if (jumpc_MEM) begin if (oe_MEM) begin // add sign extended to allow negative offsets jump_addr_MEM <= (pc4_MEM - 1'b1) + {{5{const27_MEM[26]}}, const27_MEM[26:0]}; end else begin jump_addr_MEM <= {5'd0, const27_MEM}; end end else if (jumpr_MEM) begin if (oe_MEM) begin jump_addr_MEM <= (pc4_MEM - 1'b1) + (data_b_MEM + const16_MEM); end else begin jump_addr_MEM <= data_b_MEM + const16_MEM; end end else if (branch_MEM) begin jump_addr_MEM <= (pc4_MEM - 1'b1) + const16_MEM; end else if (halt_MEM) begin // jump to same address to keep halting jump_addr_MEM <= pc4_MEM - 1'b1; end end // Opcodes localparam BRANCH_OP_BEQ = 3'b000, // A == B BRANCH_OP_BGT = 3'b001, // A > B BRANCH_OP_BGE = 3'b010, // A >= B BRANCH_OP_U1 = 3'b011, // Unimplemented 1 BRANCH_OP_BNE = 3'b100, // A != B BRANCH_OP_BLT = 3'b101, // A < B BRANCH_OP_BLE = 3'b110, // A <= B BRANCH_OP_U2 = 3'b111; // Unimplemented 2 reg branch_passed_MEM; always @(*) begin branch_passed_MEM <= 1'b0; case (branchOP_MEM) BRANCH_OP_BEQ: begin branch_passed_MEM <= (data_a_MEM == data_b_MEM); end BRANCH_OP_BGT: begin branch_passed_MEM <= (sig_MEM) ? ($signed(data_a_MEM) > $signed(data_b_MEM)) : (data_a_MEM > data_b_MEM); end BRANCH_OP_BGE: begin branch_passed_MEM <= (sig_MEM) ? ($signed(data_a_MEM) >= $signed(data_b_MEM)) : (data_a_MEM >= data_b_MEM); end BRANCH_OP_BNE: begin branch_passed_MEM <= (data_a_MEM != data_b_MEM); end BRANCH_OP_BLT: begin branch_passed_MEM <= (sig_MEM) ? ($signed(data_a_MEM) < $signed(data_b_MEM)) : (data_a_MEM < data_b_MEM); end BRANCH_OP_BLE: begin branch_passed_MEM <= (sig_MEM) ? ($signed(data_a_MEM) <= $signed(data_b_MEM)) : (data_a_MEM <= data_b_MEM); end endcase end //------------L1d Cache-------------- //CPU bus wire [31:0] l1d_addr; // address to write or to start reading from wire [31:0] l1d_data; // data to write wire l1d_we; // write enable wire l1d_start; // start trigger wire [31:0] l1d_q; // memory output wire l1d_done; // output ready L1Dcache l1dcache( .clk (clk), .reset (reset), .cache_reset (clearCache_EX | clearCache_MEM), // CPU bus .l2_addr (l1d_addr), .l2_data (l1d_data), .l2_we (l1d_we), .l2_start (l1d_start), .l2_q (l1d_q), .l2_done (l1d_done), // sdram bus .sdc_addr (addr_b), .sdc_data (data_b), .sdc_we (we_b), .sdc_start (start_b), .sdc_q (arbiter_q), .sdc_done (done_b) ); // Data Memory // should eventually become a memory with variable latency // writes directly to the next stage wire [31:0] dataMem_q_WB; wire [31:0] dataMem_addr_MEM; assign dataMem_addr_MEM = data_a_MEM + const16_MEM; DataMem dataMem( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .addr(dataMem_addr_MEM), .we(mem_write_MEM), .re(mem_read_MEM), .data(data_b_MEM), .q(dataMem_q_WB), .busy(datamem_busy_MEM), // bus .bus_addr(l1d_addr), .bus_data(l1d_data), .bus_we(l1d_we), .bus_start(l1d_start), .bus_q(l1d_q), .bus_done(l1d_done), .hold(stall_MEM), .clear(flush_MEM) ); // Stack // writes directly to the next stage wire [31:0] stack_q_WB; Stack stack( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .q(stack_q_WB), .d(data_b_MEM), .push(push_MEM), .pop(pop_MEM), .hold(stall_MEM), .clear(flush_MEM) ); // Pass data from MEM to WB wire [31:0] instr_WB; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_instr_MEM_WB( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_MEM), .clear(reset||flush_MEM), .in(instr_MEM), .out(instr_WB) ); wire [31:0] alu_result_WB; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_alu_result_MEM_WB( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_MEM), .clear(reset||flush_MEM), .in(alu_result_MEM), .out(alu_result_WB) ); wire [31:0] pc4_WB; Regr #(.N(32)) regr_pc4_MEM_WB( .clk(clk), .hold(stall_MEM), .clear(reset||flush_MEM), .in(pc4_MEM), .out(pc4_WB) ); wire pop_WB, mem_read_WB; //wire dreg_we_WB; Regr #(.N(3)) regr_cuflags_MEM_WB( .clk (clk), .hold (stall_MEM), .clear (reset||flush_MEM), .in ({pop_MEM, dreg_we_MEM, mem_read_MEM}), .out ({pop_WB, dreg_we_WB, mem_read_WB}) ); /* * WRITE BACK (WB) */ wire [15:0] const16u_WB; InstructionDecoder instrDec_WB( .instr(instr_WB), .instrOP(), .aluOP(), .constAlu(), .const16(), .const16u(const16u_WB), .const27(), .areg(), .breg(), .dreg(dreg_WB), .he(), .oe(), .sig() ); always @(*) begin case (1'b1) pop_WB: begin data_d_WB <= stack_q_WB; end mem_read_WB: begin data_d_WB <= dataMem_q_WB; end default: // (ALU, savPC, IntID) begin data_d_WB <= alu_result_WB; end endcase end /* * FLUSH */ always @(*) begin flush_FE <= 1'b0; flush_DE <= 1'b0; flush_EX <= 1'b0; flush_MEM <= 1'b0; flush_WB <= 1'b0; // flush on jumps or interrupts if (jumpc_MEM || jumpr_MEM || halt_MEM || (branch_MEM && branch_passed_MEM) || reti_MEM || interruptValid) begin flush_FE <= 1'b1; flush_DE <= 1'b1; flush_EX <= 1'b1; end // flush MEM when busy, causing a bubble if ((mem_read_MEM || mem_write_MEM) && datamem_busy_MEM) begin flush_MEM <= 1'b1; end end /* * STALL */ always @(*) begin stall_FE <= 1'b0; stall_DE <= 1'b0; stall_EX <= 1'b0; stall_MEM <= 1'b0; stall_WB <= 1'b0; // stall if an instruction in EX uses the result of a some operation in MEM (dreg_mem) if ((mem_read_EX || pop_EX) && ( (dreg_EX == areg_DE) || (dreg_EX == breg_DE)) ) begin stall_FE <= 1'b1; stall_DE <= 1'b1; end // stall if read or write in data MEM causes the busy flag to be set if ((mem_read_MEM || mem_write_MEM) && datamem_busy_MEM) begin stall_FE <= 1'b1; stall_DE <= 1'b1; stall_EX <= 1'b1; end end /* * FORWARDING */ // MEM (4) -> EX (3) // WB (5) -> EX (3) always @(*) begin // input a of ALU forward_a <= 2'd0; // default to no forwarding if (dreg_we_MEM && (dreg_MEM == areg_EX) && (areg_EX != 4'd0)) begin forward_a <= 2'd1; // priority 1: forward from MEM to EX end else if (dreg_we_WB && (dreg_WB == areg_EX) && (areg_EX != 4'd0)) begin forward_a <= 2'd2; // priority 2: forward from WB to EX end // input b of ALU forward_b <= 2'd0; // default to no forwarding if (dreg_we_MEM && (dreg_MEM == breg_EX) && (breg_EX != 4'd0)) begin forward_b <= 2'd1; // priority 1: forward from MEM to EX end else if (dreg_we_WB && (dreg_WB == breg_EX) && (breg_EX != 4'd0)) begin forward_b <= 2'd2; // priority 2: forward from WB to EX end end endmodule