// Bart's RAM File System (BRFS) /* Implementing in BDOS on PCB v3: - BDOS only uses ~340 pages of 256 bytes -> 90000 bytes - SPI flash has 65536 pages of 256 bytes -> 16777216 bytes - With current verilog implementation, only 32MiB of RAM is addressable, so BRFS should be used somewhere in the first 32MiB - With current BDOS memory map, BRFS should be placed in the first 8MiB available as BDOS Program Code - Lets use the last 4MiB of this space for BRFS (0x100000 - 0x200000) */ #define BRFS_SUPPORTED_VERSION 1 #define BRFS_RAM_STORAGE_ADDR 0x100000 // From 4th MiB // Addresses in SPI Flash #define SPIFLASH_MEMMAP_ADDR 0x800000 // Note that each section should be in a different 4KiB sector in SPI Flash #define BRFS_SPIFLASH_SUPERBLOCK_ADDR 0xDF000 // One sector before FAT #define BRFS_SPIFLASH_FAT_ADDR 0xE0000 // Can be 32768 words (128KiB) for 32MiB of 256word blocks #define BRFS_SPIFLASH_BLOCK_ADDR 0x100000 // From first MiB //#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 127 // Set by BDOS #define MAX_OPEN_FILES 16 // Can be set higher, but 4 is good for testing // Length of structs, should not be changed #define SUPERBLOCK_SIZE 16 #define DIR_ENTRY_SIZE 8 #define BRFS_MAX_BLOCKS 65536 // 64KiB word brfs_changed_blocks[BRFS_MAX_BLOCKS >> 5]; // Bitmap of changed blocks, each block has 1 bit // 16 words long struct brfs_superblock { word total_blocks; word words_per_block; word label[10]; // 1 char per word word brfs_version; word reserved[3]; }; // 8 words long struct brfs_dir_entry { word filename[4]; // 4 chars per word word modify_date; // TBD when RTC added to FPGC word flags; // 32 flags, from right to left: directory, hidden word fat_idx; // idx of first FAT block word filesize; // file size in words, not bytes }; word *brfs_ram_storage = (word*) BRFS_RAM_STORAGE_ADDR; // RAM storage of file system // Variables for open files word brfs_cursors[MAX_OPEN_FILES]; // Cursor position offset from start of file word brfs_file_pointers[MAX_OPEN_FILES]; // FAT idx of open file struct brfs_dir_entry* brfs_dir_entry_pointers[MAX_OPEN_FILES]; // Pointer to dir entry of open file /** * Create a hexdump like dump of a section of memory * addr: address of the section * len: length of the section in words * linesize: number of words per line to print */ void brfs_dump_section(word* addr, word len, word linesize) { char buf[16]; word i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { itoah(addr[i], buf); if (strlen(buf+2) == 1) uprintc('0'); uprint(buf+2); uprintc(' '); // newline every linesize words // also print last linesize words as chars if alphanum if (i != 0 && MATH_modU(i+1, linesize) == 0) { uprint(" "); word j; for (j = i - (linesize-1); j < i+1; j++) { if (isalnum(addr[j]) || addr[j] == ' ') uprintc(addr[j]); else uprintc('.'); } uprintc('\n'); } } } /** * Create a raw filesystem dump over UART * fatsize: size of the FAT table in words * datasize: size of the data section in words */ void brfs_dump(word fatsize, word datasize) { // Superblock dump uprintln("Superblock:"); brfs_dump_section(brfs_ram_storage, SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, 16); // FAT dump uprintln("\nFAT:"); brfs_dump_section(brfs_ram_storage+SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, fatsize, 16); // Datablock dump uprintln("\nData:"); brfs_dump_section(brfs_ram_storage+SUPERBLOCK_SIZE+fatsize, datasize, 32); uprintln("\nOpen files:"); word i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { uprint("FP"); uprintDec(i+1); uprint(":"); uprint(" FAT idx: "); uprintDec(brfs_file_pointers[i]); uprint(" Cursor: "); uprintDec(brfs_cursors[i]); uprint(" Size: "); uprintDec(brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i] ? brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i]->filesize : 0); uprintc('\n'); } } /** * Return the FAT index of a directory, or -1 if not found * dir_path: full path of the directory */ word brfs_get_fat_idx_of_dir(char* dir_path) { // Check length of path if (strlen(dir_path) > MAX_PATH_LENGTH) { uprintln("Path too long!"); return -1; } // Start with root directory word current_dir_fat_idx = 0; // Check if root directory is requested if (strcmp(dir_path, "/") == 0) { return current_dir_fat_idx; } // Copy dir_path, size + 1 for null terminator // Since strtok modifies the string char dir_path_copy[MAX_PATH_LENGTH+1]; strcpy(dir_path_copy, dir_path); struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* brfs_data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; word dir_entries_max = superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); // Split path by '/' and traverse directories char* token = strtok(dir_path_copy, "/"); while (token != (word*)-1) { // Find token in current directory word* dir_addr = brfs_data_block_addr + (current_dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block); word found_dir = 0; // Keep track if token is found in current directory word i; for (i = 0; i < dir_entries_max; i++) { struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry = (struct brfs_dir_entry*) (dir_addr + (i * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry))); if (dir_entry->filename[0] != 0) { char decompressed_filename[17]; strdecompress(decompressed_filename, (char*)&(dir_entry->filename)); // Also check for directory flag if (strcmp(decompressed_filename, token) == 0 && dir_entry->flags == 1) { // Found token in current directory // Set current directory to token's FAT index current_dir_fat_idx = dir_entry->fat_idx; found_dir = 1; break; } } } // If token not found in current directory, return -1 if (!found_dir) { uprint("Directory "); uprint(dir_path); uprintln(" not found!"); return -1; } token = strtok((word*)-1, "/"); } return current_dir_fat_idx; } /** * Given the address of the FAT table and the number of blocks, find the next free block * Returns -1 if no free block is found * fat_addr: address of the FAT table * blocks: number of blocks in the FAT table */ word brfs_find_next_free_block(word* fat_addr, word blocks) { word i = 0; word* fat_ptr = fat_addr; while (i < blocks) { if (*fat_ptr == 0) { return i; } fat_ptr++; i++; } return -1; } /** * Given the address of a directory data block and the maximum number of entries, find the next free directory entry * Returns -1 if no free entry is found * dir_addr: address of the directory data block (not the FAT idx) * dir_entries_max: maximum number of entries in the directory */ word brfs_find_next_free_dir_entry(word* dir_addr, word dir_entries_max) { word i = 0; word* dir_ptr = dir_addr; while (i < dir_entries_max) { if (*dir_ptr == 0) { return i; } dir_ptr += sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); i++; } return -1; } /** * Create a single directory entry * dir_entry: pointer to the directory entry to be created * filename: name of the file, max 16 chars and uncompressed * fat_idx: index of the first FAT block of the file/directory * filesize: size of the file in words * flags: flags of the file/directory */ void brfs_create_single_dir_entry(struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry, char* filename, word fat_idx, word filesize, word flags) { // Initialize to 0 memset((char*)dir_entry, 0, sizeof(*dir_entry)); // Set filename char compressed_filename[4] = {0,0,0,0}; strcompress(compressed_filename, filename); memcpy((char*)&(dir_entry->filename), compressed_filename, sizeof(compressed_filename)); // Set other fields dir_entry->fat_idx = fat_idx; dir_entry->flags = flags; dir_entry->filesize = filesize; } /** * Initialize a directory with . and .. entries * dir_addr: address of the directory data block * dir_entries_max: maximum number of entries in the directory * dir_fat_idx: index of the FAT block of the directory * parent_fat_idx: index of the FAT block of the parent directory */ void brfs_init_directory(word* dir_addr, word dir_entries_max, word dir_fat_idx, word parent_fat_idx) { // Get block size from superblock struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word block_size = superblock->words_per_block; // Set data block of dir_fat_idx to 0 memset(dir_addr, 0, block_size); // Create . entry struct brfs_dir_entry dir_entry; brfs_create_single_dir_entry(&dir_entry, ".", dir_fat_idx, dir_entries_max*sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry), 1); // Copy to first data entry memcpy(dir_addr, (char*)&dir_entry, sizeof(dir_entry)); // Create .. entry brfs_create_single_dir_entry(&dir_entry, "..", parent_fat_idx, dir_entries_max*sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry), 1); // Copy to second data entry memcpy(dir_addr+sizeof(dir_entry), (char*)&dir_entry, sizeof(dir_entry)); // Set FAT table brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + dir_fat_idx] = -1; // Set changed block brfs_changed_blocks[dir_fat_idx >> 5] |= (1 << (dir_fat_idx & 31)); } /** * Format the ram storage as a BRFS filesystem * Also writes the superblock to SPI Flash * blocks: number of blocks in the filesystem * words_per_block: number of bytes per block * label: label of the filesystem * full_format: if 1, initialize data section to 0 */ void brfs_format(word blocks, word words_per_block, char* label, word full_format) { // Create a superblock struct brfs_superblock superblock; // Initialize to 0 memset((char*)&superblock, 0, sizeof(superblock)); // Set values of superblock superblock.total_blocks = blocks; superblock.words_per_block = words_per_block; strcpy((char*)&superblock.label, label); superblock.brfs_version = BRFS_SUPPORTED_VERSION; // Copy superblock to head of ram addr memcpy(brfs_ram_storage, (char*)&superblock, sizeof(superblock)); // Create FAT memset(brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, 0, blocks); // Create Data section if (full_format) { memset(brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + blocks, 0, blocks * words_per_block); } // Initialize root dir word dir_entries_max = words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); brfs_init_directory(brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + blocks, dir_entries_max, 0, 0); // Clear open files and cursors memset(brfs_file_pointers, 0, sizeof(brfs_file_pointers)); memset(brfs_cursors, 0, sizeof(brfs_cursors)); // Set all dir entry pointers to 0 word i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i] = 0; } // For all blocks that have just been formatted, set changed block word j; for (j = 0; j < blocks; j++) { brfs_changed_blocks[j >> 5] |= (1 << (j & 31)); } // Write superblock to SPI Flash spiflash_sector_erase(BRFS_SPIFLASH_SUPERBLOCK_ADDR); spiflash_write_page_in_words((char*)&superblock, BRFS_SPIFLASH_SUPERBLOCK_ADDR, sizeof(superblock)); } /** * Create a new directory in the directory of parent_dir_path * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error * parent_dir_path: full path of the parent directory * dirname: name of the new directory */ word brfs_create_directory(char* parent_dir_path, char* dirname) { // Check length of dirname if (strlen(dirname) >= 16) { uprintln("Directory name too long!"); return 0; } struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* brfs_data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; // Find first free FAT block word next_free_block = brfs_find_next_free_block(brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, superblock->total_blocks); if (next_free_block == -1) { uprintln("No free blocks left!"); return 0; } // Find data block address of parent directory path word parent_dir_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_of_dir(parent_dir_path); if (parent_dir_fat_idx == -1) { uprint("Parent directory "); uprint(parent_dir_path); uprintln(" not found!"); return 0; } // Check if file or folder already exists word* parent_dir_addr = brfs_data_block_addr + (parent_dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block); word dir_entries_max = superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); word i; for (i = 0; i < dir_entries_max; i++) { struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry = (struct brfs_dir_entry*) (parent_dir_addr + (i * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry))); if (dir_entry->filename[0] != 0) { char decompressed_filename[17]; strdecompress(decompressed_filename, (char*)&(dir_entry->filename)); if (strcmp(decompressed_filename, dirname) == 0) { uprint(dirname); uprintln(" already exists!"); return 0; } } } // Find first free dir entry word next_free_dir_entry = brfs_find_next_free_dir_entry( brfs_data_block_addr + (parent_dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block), superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry) ); if (next_free_dir_entry == -1) { uprintln("No free dir entries left!"); return 0; } // Create dir entry struct brfs_dir_entry new_entry; brfs_create_single_dir_entry(&new_entry, dirname, next_free_block, dir_entries_max*sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry), 1); // Copy dir entry to first free dir entry memcpy( brfs_data_block_addr + (parent_dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block) + (next_free_dir_entry * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry)), (char*)&new_entry, sizeof(new_entry) ); // Initialize directory brfs_init_directory( brfs_data_block_addr + (next_free_block * superblock->words_per_block), dir_entries_max, next_free_block, parent_dir_fat_idx ); // Update changed block brfs_changed_blocks[next_free_block >> 5] |= (1 << (next_free_block & 31)); brfs_changed_blocks[parent_dir_fat_idx >> 5] |= (1 << (parent_dir_fat_idx & 31)); return 1; } /** * Create a new file in the directory of parent_dir_path * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error * parent_dir_path: full path of the parent directory * filename: name of the new file */ word brfs_create_file(char* parent_dir_path, char* filename) { // Check length of filename if (strlen(filename) >= 16) { uprintln("Filename too long!"); return 0; } struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* brfs_data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; // Find first free FAT block word next_free_block = brfs_find_next_free_block(brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, superblock->total_blocks); if (next_free_block == -1) { uprintln("No free blocks left!"); return 0; } // Find data block address of parent directory path word parent_dir_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_of_dir(parent_dir_path); if (parent_dir_fat_idx == -1) { uprint("Parent directory "); uprint(parent_dir_path); uprintln(" not found!"); return 0; } // Check if file or folder already exists word* parent_dir_addr = brfs_data_block_addr + (parent_dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block); word dir_entries_max = superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); word i; for (i = 0; i < dir_entries_max; i++) { struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry = (struct brfs_dir_entry*) (parent_dir_addr + (i * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry))); if (dir_entry->filename[0] != 0) { char decompressed_filename[17]; strdecompress(decompressed_filename, (char*)&(dir_entry->filename)); if (strcmp(decompressed_filename, filename) == 0) { uprint(filename); uprintln(" already exists!"); return 0; } } } // Find first free dir entry word next_free_dir_entry = brfs_find_next_free_dir_entry( brfs_data_block_addr + (parent_dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block), superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry) ); if (next_free_dir_entry == -1) { uprintln("No free dir entries left!"); return 0; } // Create file entry struct brfs_dir_entry new_entry; brfs_create_single_dir_entry(&new_entry, filename, next_free_block, 0, 0); // Copy dir entry to first free dir entry memcpy( brfs_data_block_addr + (parent_dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block) + (next_free_dir_entry * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry)), (char*)&new_entry, sizeof(new_entry) ); // Initialize file by setting data to 0 memset( brfs_data_block_addr + (next_free_block * superblock->words_per_block), 0, superblock->words_per_block ); // Update FAT brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + next_free_block] = -1; // Update changed block brfs_changed_blocks[next_free_block >> 5] |= (1 << (next_free_block & 31)); brfs_changed_blocks[parent_dir_fat_idx >> 5] |= (1 << (parent_dir_fat_idx & 31)); return 1; } /** * Reads all directory entries of a directory into a buffer * dir_path: full path of the directory * buffer: buffer to store the directory entries * Returns the number of entries read, or -1 on error */ word brfs_read_directory(char* dir_path, struct brfs_dir_entry* buffer) { // Find data block address of parent directory path word dir_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_of_dir(dir_path); if (dir_fat_idx == -1) { uprint("Parent directory "); uprint(dir_path); uprintln(" not found!"); return -1; } struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* dir_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks + (dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block); word dir_entries_max = superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); word entries_read = 0; word i; for (i = 0; i < dir_entries_max; i++) { struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry = (struct brfs_dir_entry*) (dir_addr + (i * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry))); if (dir_entry->filename[0] != 0) { memcpy(buffer, dir_entry, sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry)); buffer++; entries_read++; } } return entries_read; } /** * Open a file for reading and writing * Returns the file pointer (FAT idx of file), or -1 on error * file_path: full path of the file */ word brfs_open_file(char* file_path) { // Split filename from path using basename and dirname char dirname_output[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char* file_path_basename = basename(file_path); char* file_path_dirname = dirname(dirname_output, file_path); // Find data block address of parent directory path word dir_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_of_dir(file_path_dirname); if (dir_fat_idx == -1) { uprint("Parent directory "); uprint(file_path_dirname); uprintln(" not found!"); return -1; } // Find file in directory struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* dir_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks + (dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block); word dir_entries_max = superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); word i; for (i = 0; i < dir_entries_max; i++) { struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry = (struct brfs_dir_entry*) (dir_addr + (i * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry))); if (dir_entry->filename[0] != 0) { char decompressed_filename[17]; strdecompress(decompressed_filename, (char*)&(dir_entry->filename)); // Also check for directory flag to be 0 if (strcmp(decompressed_filename, file_path_basename) == 0 && dir_entry->flags == 0) { // Found file // Check if file is already open word j; for (j = 0; j < MAX_OPEN_FILES; j++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[j] == dir_entry->fat_idx) { uprint("File "); uprint(file_path_basename); uprintln(" already open!"); return -1; } } // Find first free file pointer word next_free_file_pointer = -1; for (j = 0; j < MAX_OPEN_FILES; j++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[j] == 0) { next_free_file_pointer = j; break; } } if (next_free_file_pointer == -1) { uprintln("All files already opened!"); return -1; } // Open file brfs_file_pointers[next_free_file_pointer] = dir_entry->fat_idx; brfs_cursors[next_free_file_pointer] = 0; brfs_dir_entry_pointers[next_free_file_pointer] = dir_entry; return brfs_file_pointers[next_free_file_pointer]; } } } uprint("File "); uprint(file_path_basename); uprintln(" not found!"); return -1; } /** * Close an opened file * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error * file_pointer: file pointer returned by brfs_open_file */ word brfs_close_file(word file_pointer) { // Find file pointer word i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[i] == file_pointer) { // Close file brfs_file_pointers[i] = 0; brfs_cursors[i] = 0; brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i] = 0; return 1; } } uprintln("File not found!"); return 0; } /** * Delete a file by removing all FAT blocks and the directory entry * Deletes a directory only if it is empty * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error * file_path: full path of the file */ word brfs_delete(char* file_path) { // Split filename from path using basename and dirname char dirname_output[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char* file_path_basename = basename(file_path); char* file_path_dirname = dirname(dirname_output, file_path); // Find data block address of parent directory path word dir_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_of_dir(file_path_dirname); if (dir_fat_idx == -1) { uprint("Parent directory "); uprint(file_path_dirname); uprintln(" not found!"); return 0; } // Find file in directory struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* dir_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks + (dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block); word dir_entries_max = superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); word i; for (i = 0; i < dir_entries_max; i++) { struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry = (struct brfs_dir_entry*) (dir_addr + (i * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry))); if (dir_entry->filename[0] != 0) { char decompressed_filename[17]; strdecompress(decompressed_filename, (char*)&(dir_entry->filename)); if (strcmp(decompressed_filename, file_path_basename) == 0) { if ((dir_entry->flags & 0x01) == 1) { // Check if directory is empty struct brfs_dir_entry buffer[128]; // 128 to be safe word num_entries = brfs_read_directory(file_path, buffer); if (num_entries > 2) { uprint("Directory "); uprint(file_path_basename); uprintln(" is not empty!"); return 0; } } // Check if file is already open word j; for (j = 0; j < MAX_OPEN_FILES; j++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[j] == dir_entry->fat_idx) { uprint("File "); uprint(file_path_basename); uprintln(" is open!"); return 0; } } // Delete fat blocks word current_fat_idx = dir_entry->fat_idx; word next_fat_idx; while (current_fat_idx != -1) { next_fat_idx = brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + current_fat_idx]; brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + current_fat_idx] = 0; brfs_changed_blocks[current_fat_idx >> 5] |= (1 << (current_fat_idx & 31)); current_fat_idx = next_fat_idx; } // Delete entry memset((char*)dir_entry, 0, sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry)); // Update changed block brfs_changed_blocks[dir_fat_idx >> 5] |= (1 << (dir_fat_idx & 31)); return 1; } } } uprint("File "); uprint(file_path_basename); uprintln(" not found!"); return 0; } /** * Set the cursor of an opened file * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error * file_pointer: file pointer returned by brfs_open_file * cursor: new cursor position in words */ word brfs_set_cursor(word file_pointer, word cursor) { if (file_pointer == 0) { uprintln("File not open!"); return 0; } // Find file pointer word i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[i] == file_pointer) { // Set cursor if (cursor < 0 || cursor > brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i]->filesize) { cursor = brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i]->filesize; } brfs_cursors[i] = cursor; return 1; } } uprintln("File not found!"); return 0; } /** * Get the cursor of an opened file * Returns the cursor position in words, or -1 on error * file_pointer: file pointer returned by brfs_open_file */ word brfs_get_cursor(word file_pointer) { if (file_pointer == 0) { uprintln("File not open!"); return -1; } // Find file pointer word i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[i] == file_pointer) { // Get cursor return brfs_cursors[i]; } } uprintln("File not found!"); return -1; } /** * Get the FAT index of a file at the cursor * Returns the FAT index, or 0 on error * file_pointer: file pointer returned by brfs_open_file * cursor: cursor position of opened file */ word brfs_get_fat_idx_at_cursor(word file_pointer, word cursor) { if (file_pointer == 0) { uprintln("File not open!"); return 0; } // Get FAT index of file at cursor word current_fat_idx = file_pointer; struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; // Loop through FAT until cursor is reached while (cursor >= superblock->words_per_block) { current_fat_idx = brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + current_fat_idx]; if (current_fat_idx == -1) { uprintln("Cursor is out of bounds!"); return 0; } cursor -= superblock->words_per_block; } return current_fat_idx; } /** * Read a file from the cursor position * Returns 1 on success, or 0 on error * file_pointer: file pointer returned by brfs_open_file * buffer: buffer to read the file into * length: number of words to read */ word brfs_read(word file_pointer, word* buffer, word length) { if (file_pointer == 0) { uprintln("File not open!"); return 0; } struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; // Find file pointer word i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[i] == file_pointer) { if (length < 0) { uprintln("Length cannot be negative!"); return 0; } // Trunctate length to file size - cursor if (length > brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i]->filesize - brfs_cursors[i]) { length = brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i]->filesize - brfs_cursors[i]; } // Get FAT index of file at cursor word current_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_at_cursor(file_pointer, brfs_cursors[i]); if (current_fat_idx == 0) { uprintln("Error getting FAT index at cursor!"); return 0; } // Loop: // - calculate words until end of block (or up to length) // - read words until end of block (or up to length) // - decrease length by words read // - get next block from FAT // - repeat until length is 0 while (length > 0) { word cursor_in_block = MATH_modU(brfs_cursors[i], superblock->words_per_block); word words_until_end_of_block = superblock->words_per_block - cursor_in_block; word words_to_read = words_until_end_of_block > length ? length : words_until_end_of_block; // Copy words to buffer memcpy(buffer, data_block_addr + (current_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block) + cursor_in_block, words_to_read); // Update cursor and length brfs_cursors[i] += words_to_read; length -= words_to_read; buffer += words_to_read; // Get next block from FAT current_fat_idx = brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + current_fat_idx]; if (current_fat_idx == -1 && length > 0) { uprintln("There is no next block in the file!"); return 0; } } return 1; } } uprintln("File not found!"); return 0; } /** * Write a file from the cursor position * Returns 1 on success, or 0 on error * file_pointer: file pointer returned by brfs_open_file * buffer: buffer to write to the file * length: number of words to write */ word brfs_write(word file_pointer, word* buffer, word length) { if (file_pointer == 0) { uprintln("File not open!"); return 0; } struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; // Find file pointer word i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (brfs_file_pointers[i] == file_pointer) { if (length < 0) { uprintln("Length cannot be negative!"); return 0; } // Get FAT index of file at cursor word current_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_at_cursor(file_pointer, brfs_cursors[i]); if (current_fat_idx == 0) { uprintln("Error getting FAT index at cursor!"); return 0; } // Loop: // - calculate words until end of block (or up to length) // - write words until end of block (or up to length) // - decrease length by words written // - get next block from FAT, or find next free block if end of block // - if next block is needed, update FAT // - repeat until length is 0 while (length > 0) { word cursor_in_block = MATH_modU(brfs_cursors[i], superblock->words_per_block); word words_until_end_of_block = superblock->words_per_block - cursor_in_block; word words_to_write = words_until_end_of_block > length ? length : words_until_end_of_block; // Copy words to buffer memcpy(data_block_addr + (current_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block) + cursor_in_block, buffer, words_to_write); // Update changed block brfs_changed_blocks[current_fat_idx >> 5] |= (1 << (current_fat_idx & 31)); // Update cursor and length brfs_cursors[i] += words_to_write; length -= words_to_write; buffer += words_to_write; // Get next block from FAT, or find next free block if end of block if (words_until_end_of_block == words_to_write) { word next_fat_idx = brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + current_fat_idx]; // Check if next block is already allocated if (next_fat_idx != -1) { current_fat_idx = next_fat_idx; } else { // Find next free block word next_free_block = brfs_find_next_free_block(brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, superblock->total_blocks); if (next_free_block == -1) { uprintln("No free blocks left!"); return 0; } // Update FAT brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + current_fat_idx] = next_free_block; // Go to next block current_fat_idx = next_free_block; // Set next block to -1 to indicate end of file brfs_ram_storage[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + current_fat_idx] = -1; // Update changed block brfs_changed_blocks[current_fat_idx >> 5] |= (1 << (current_fat_idx & 31)); } } } // Update file size in dir entry if we wrote past the current size if (brfs_cursors[i] > brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i]->filesize) { brfs_dir_entry_pointers[i]->filesize = brfs_cursors[i]; } return 1; } } uprintln("File not found!"); return 0; } /** * Stat a file or directory * Returns the directory entry, or -1 on error */ struct brfs_dir_entry* brfs_stat(char* file_path) { // Remove all trailing slashes while (strlen(file_path) > 1 && file_path[strlen(file_path)-1] == '/') { file_path[strlen(file_path)-1] = 0; } // Split filename from path using basename and dirname char dirname_output[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char* file_path_basename = basename(file_path); char* file_path_dirname = dirname(dirname_output, file_path); // Find data block address of parent directory path word dir_fat_idx = brfs_get_fat_idx_of_dir(file_path_dirname); if (dir_fat_idx == -1) { uprint("Parent directory "); uprint(file_path_dirname); uprintln(" not found!"); return (struct brfs_dir_entry*)-1; } // Find file in directory struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* dir_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks + (dir_fat_idx * superblock->words_per_block); word dir_entries_max = superblock->words_per_block / sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry); word i; for (i = 0; i < dir_entries_max; i++) { struct brfs_dir_entry* dir_entry = (struct brfs_dir_entry*) (dir_addr + (i * sizeof(struct brfs_dir_entry))); if (dir_entry->filename[0] != 0) { char decompressed_filename[17]; strdecompress(decompressed_filename, (char*)&(dir_entry->filename)); // Also check for directory flag to be 0 if (strcmp(decompressed_filename, file_path_basename) == 0) { return dir_entry; } } } uprint("File or directory "); uprint(file_path_basename); uprintln(" not found!"); return (struct brfs_dir_entry*)-1; } /** * Write the FAT table to SPI flash by performing three steps: * 1. Check which FAT entries have changed * 2. Erase the 4KiB sectors that contain these FAT entries * 3. Write each changed FAT entry to flash by using 16 page writes per sector */ void brfs_write_fat_to_flash() { struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; // 1 sector = 4KiB = 1024 words = 1024 FAT entries // 1 word contains 32 flags for changed blocks/FAT entries // 1024/32 = 32 words in the changed_blocks array per sector uprintln("---Writing FAT to SPI Flash---"); // Loop over brfs_changed_blocks in 32 word parts // Assumes length of brfs_changed_blocks is a multiple of 32 word i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(brfs_changed_blocks); i+=32) { // Check if any value within brfs_changed_blocks[i:i+32] is not 0 word j; word changed = 0; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (brfs_changed_blocks[i+j] != 0) { changed = 1; break; } } if (changed) { // Erase sector word addr = BRFS_SPIFLASH_FAT_ADDR; // Workaround because of large static number addr += (i >> 5) * 4096; // Sector idx * bytes per sector spiflash_sector_erase(addr); uprint("Erased sector "); uprintDec(i >> 5); uprint(" at address "); uprintHex(addr); uprintln(""); // Write sector by writing 16 pages k of 64 words // Does not check for boundaries of actual FAT table size, // so it can write garbage if block size is not a multiple of 1024 word k; for (k = 0; k < 1024; k+=64) { addr = BRFS_SPIFLASH_FAT_ADDR; // Workaround because of large static number addr += (i >> 5) * 4096; // Sector idx * bytes per sector addr += k << 2; // 64 words * 4 bytes per word word* fat_addr_ram = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + (i << 5) + k; spiflash_write_page_in_words(fat_addr_ram, addr, 64); uprint("Wrote FAT entries "); uprintDec((i << 5) + k); uprint(":"); uprintDec((i << 5) + k + 63); uprint(" from RAM addr "); uprintHex((word)fat_addr_ram); uprint(" to SPI Flash addr "); uprintHex(addr); uprintln(""); } } } uprintln("---Finished writing FAT to SPI Flash---"); } /** * Write a sector (4KiB) to SPI flash * sector_idx: index of the sector */ void brfs_write_sector_to_flash(word sector_idx) { word spi_addr = BRFS_SPIFLASH_BLOCK_ADDR; // Workaround because of large static number spi_addr += sector_idx * 4096; // Sector idx * bytes per sector struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; word brfs_sector_addr = data_block_addr + sector_idx * (4096 >> 2); // Divided by 4 because of word size // Write sector by writing 16 pages k of 64 words // Does not check for boundaries of actual FAT table size, // so it can write garbage if block size is not a multiple of 1024 word k; for (k = 0; k < 1024; k+=64) { spiflash_write_page_in_words(brfs_sector_addr + k, spi_addr + (k << 2), 64); uprint("Wrote sector "); uprintDec(sector_idx); uprint(":"); uprintDec(sector_idx + 15); uprint(" from RAM addr "); uprintHex((word)(brfs_sector_addr + k)); uprint(" to SPI Flash addr "); uprintHex(spi_addr + (k << 2)); uprintln(""); } } /** * Write the data blocks to SPI flash by performing three steps: * 1. Check which blocks have changed * 2. Erase the 4KiB sectors that contain these blocks * 3. Write each erased sector with the new block data by using 16 page writes per sector */ void brfs_write_blocks_to_flash() { // Loop over all blocks struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; word* data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; // Check if block size is <= 4KiB if (superblock->words_per_block > 1024) { uprintln("Error: block size should be <= 4KiB"); return; } // Check if block size is a multiple of 64 if (superblock->words_per_block & 63) { uprintln("Error: block size should be a multiple of 64"); return; } uprintln("---Writing blocks to SPI Flash---"); word blocks_per_sector = MATH_divU(4096, superblock->words_per_block * 4); uprint("Blocks per sector: "); uprintDec(blocks_per_sector); uprintln(""); // Erase 4KiB sectors that contain changed blocks // This code is written such that it only erases each sector once, even if multiple blocks in the sector have changed word i; word sector_to_erase = -1; for (i = 0; i < superblock->total_blocks; i++) { if (brfs_changed_blocks[i >> 5] & (1 << (i & 31))) { if (sector_to_erase == -1) { sector_to_erase = MATH_divU(i, blocks_per_sector); } else if (sector_to_erase != MATH_divU(i, blocks_per_sector)) { word addr = BRFS_SPIFLASH_BLOCK_ADDR; // Workaround because of large static number addr += sector_to_erase * 4096; spiflash_sector_erase(addr); uprint("Erased sector "); uprintDec(sector_to_erase); uprint(" at address "); uprintHex(addr); uprintln(""); brfs_write_sector_to_flash(sector_to_erase); sector_to_erase = MATH_divU(i, blocks_per_sector); } } } if (sector_to_erase != -1) { word addr = BRFS_SPIFLASH_BLOCK_ADDR; // Workaround because of large static number addr += sector_to_erase * 4096; spiflash_sector_erase(addr); uprint("Erased sector "); uprintDec(sector_to_erase); uprint(" at address "); uprintHex(addr); uprintln(""); brfs_write_sector_to_flash(sector_to_erase); } uprintln("---Finished writing blocks to SPI Flash---"); } /** * Write the FAT and data blocks to SPI flash * Superblock should already be written to flash during format */ void brfs_write_to_flash() { brfs_write_fat_to_flash(); brfs_write_blocks_to_flash(); // Reset changed blocks memset(brfs_changed_blocks, 0, sizeof(brfs_changed_blocks)); } /** * Checks if given superblock is valid * Returns 1 if valid, 0 if invalid */ word brfs_superblock_is_valid(struct brfs_superblock* superblock) { // Check if brfs version is correct if (superblock->brfs_version != BRFS_SUPPORTED_VERSION) { uprint("BRFS version "); uprintDec(superblock->brfs_version); uprint(" is not supported by this implementation ("); uprintDec(BRFS_SUPPORTED_VERSION); uprintln(")!"); return 0; } // Check if total blocks is > 0 and a multiple of 64 if (superblock->total_blocks == 0 || superblock->total_blocks & 63) { uprintln("Error: total blocks should be > 0 and a multiple of 64"); return 0; } // Check if block size is > 0 if (superblock->words_per_block == 0) { uprintln("Error: block size should be > 0"); return 0; } // Check if words per block is > 0 and <= 2048 if (superblock->words_per_block == 0 || superblock->words_per_block > 2048) { uprintln("Error: words per block should be > 0 and <= 2048"); return 0; } return 1; } /** * Read the superblock, FAT and data blocks from SPI flash * Reads in QSPI mode and returns to SPI mode after reading * Returns 1 on success, or 0 on error */ word brfs_read_from_flash() { // Set QSPI memory mapped mode spiflash_qspi(); // Read superblock from flash char* spi_flash_read_addr = (char*) SPIFLASH_MEMMAP_ADDR + (BRFS_SPIFLASH_SUPERBLOCK_ADDR >> 2); memcpy(brfs_ram_storage, spi_flash_read_addr, SUPERBLOCK_SIZE); // Perform validity checks on superblock struct brfs_superblock* superblock = (struct brfs_superblock*) brfs_ram_storage; if (!brfs_superblock_is_valid(superblock)) { uprintln("Error: superblock is not valid!"); spiflash_init(); // Return to SPI mode return 0; } // Read FAT from flash spi_flash_read_addr = (char*) SPIFLASH_MEMMAP_ADDR + (BRFS_SPIFLASH_FAT_ADDR >> 2); memcpy(brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, spi_flash_read_addr, superblock->total_blocks); // Read data blocks from flash word* data_block_addr = brfs_ram_storage + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE + superblock->total_blocks; spi_flash_read_addr = (char*) SPIFLASH_MEMMAP_ADDR + (BRFS_SPIFLASH_BLOCK_ADDR >> 2); word read_length = superblock->total_blocks * superblock->words_per_block; // Check if read_length is a multiple of 16 if (read_length & 15) { // Read without progress bar memcpy(data_block_addr, spi_flash_read_addr, read_length); spiflash_init(); // Return to SPI mode return 1; } // Print progress bar GFX_disable_cursor = 1; GFX_PrintConsole("Loading blocks: "); // Print emtpy block character word i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GFX_PrintcConsole(176); } // Set cursor back to start of progress bar GFX_cursor -= 16; // Split in 16 parts word read_length_per_part = read_length >> 4; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { memcpy(data_block_addr + (i * read_length_per_part), spi_flash_read_addr + (i * read_length_per_part), read_length_per_part); GFX_PrintcConsole(219); // Print full block character } GFX_disable_cursor = 0; GFX_PrintcConsole('\n'); spiflash_init(); // Return to SPI mode return 1; }