// Webserver // uses multiple sockets, except for socket 7 which is reserved by netHID #define word char #include "LIB/MATH.C" #include "LIB/STDLIB.C" #include "LIB/SYS.C" #include "LIB/FS.C" #include "LIB/WIZ5500.C" #define TMPMEM_LOCATION 0x440000 #define FILE_BUFFER_LOCATION 0x430000 #define FILE_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 // buffer size for reading files from USB storage char* fileBuffer = (char *) FILE_BUFFER_LOCATION; //fileBuffer[FILE_BUFFER_SIZE]; char WIZrbuf[WIZNET_MAX_RBUF]; //------------------- //LIST DIR CUSTOM FUNCTIONS //------------------- // Parses and writes name.extension and filesize on one line void wiz_parseFATdata(word datalen, char* fatBuffer, char* b, word* bufLen) { if (datalen != 32) { BDOS_PrintConsole("Unexpected FAT table length\n"); return; } // start HTML link tag word catLen = strcpy(b + *bufLen, ""); (*bufLen) += catLen; // do again for the link text // parse filename printLen = FS_parseFATstring(fatBuffer, 8, b, bufLen); // add '.' and parse extension if (fatBuffer[8] != ' ' || fatBuffer[9] != ' ' || fatBuffer[10] != ' ') { b[*bufLen] = '.'; (*bufLen)++; printLen += FS_parseFATstring(fatBuffer+8, 3, b, bufLen) + 1; } // add slash if folder (filesize 0) if (fileSize == 0) { catLen = strcpy(b + *bufLen, "/"); (*bufLen) += catLen; } // end hyperlink catLen = strcpy(b + *bufLen, ""); (*bufLen) += catLen; // filesize to integer string char buffer[10]; itoa(fileSize, &buffer[0]); // write to buffer word i = 0; while (buffer[i] != 0) { b[*bufLen] = buffer[i]; (*bufLen)++; i++; } catLen = strcpy(b + *bufLen, "\n"); (*bufLen) += catLen; } // Reads FAT data for single entry // FAT data is parsed by FS_parseFatData() void wiz_readFATdata(char* b, word* bufLen) { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_RD_USB_DATA0); word datalen = FS_spiTransfer(0x0); char fatbuf[32]; word i; for (i = 0; i < datalen; i++) { fatbuf[i] = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); } wiz_parseFATdata(datalen, fatbuf, b, bufLen); FS_spiEndTransfer(); } // Lists directory of full path f // f needs to start with / and not end with / // Returns ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS if successful // Writes parsed result to address b // Result is terminated with a \0 word wiz_listDir(char* f, char* b) { word bufLen = 0; word* pBuflen = &bufLen; word retval = FS_sendFullPath(f); // Return on failure if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) return retval; retval = FS_open(); // Return on failure if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS && retval != FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR) return retval; FS_sendSinglePath("*"); retval = FS_open(); // Return on failure if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ) return retval; // Init length of output buffer *pBuflen = 0; while (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ) { wiz_readFATdata(b, pBuflen); FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_FILE_ENUM_GO); FS_spiEndTransfer(); retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // Terminate buffer b[*pBuflen] = 0; (*pBuflen)++; return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } word PercentageDone(word remaining, word full) { word x = remaining * 100; return 100 - MATH_divU(x, full); } //------------------- //W5500 CONNECTION HANDLING FUNCTIONS //------------------- // Writes response from (successfully) opened USB file word wizWriteResponseFromUSB(word s, word fileSize) { // file size is already checked on being > 0 if (FS_setCursor(0) != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) BDOS_PrintConsole("cursor error\n"); word bytesSent = 0; char buffer[10]; char dbuf[10]; // percentage done for progress indication dbuf[0] = 0; // terminate // loop until all bytes are sent while (bytesSent != fileSize) { word partToSend = fileSize - bytesSent; // send in parts of FILE_BUFFER_SIZE if (partToSend > FILE_BUFFER_SIZE) partToSend = FILE_BUFFER_SIZE; // read from usb to buffer if (FS_readFile(fileBuffer, partToSend, 0) != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) BDOS_PrintConsole("read error\n"); if (!wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, fileBuffer, partToSend)) { //uprintln("wizTranser error"); return 0; } // Update the amount of bytes sent bytesSent += partToSend; //BDOS_PrintConsole("."); // indicate progress // remove previous percentage word i = strlen(dbuf); while (i > 0) { BDOS_PrintcConsole(0x8); // backspace i--; } if (strlen(dbuf) != 0) { BDOS_PrintcConsole(0x8); // backspace } itoa(PercentageDone(fileSize - bytesSent, fileSize), dbuf); BDOS_PrintConsole(dbuf); BDOS_PrintcConsole('%'); } // remove previous percentage word i = strlen(dbuf); while (i > 0) { BDOS_PrintcConsole(0x8); // backspace i--; } if (strlen(dbuf) != 0) { BDOS_PrintcConsole(0x8); // backspace } FS_close(); return 1; } void wizSend404Response(word s) { char* retTxt = "ERROR404ERROR 404: This is not the page you are looking for"; wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, retTxt, strlen(retTxt)); } // Gets requested file path from request header // Returns size of requested path (should be 1 or higher because '/') // Fills pbuf with path // Assumes a request header of appropiate size word wizGetFilePath(char* rbuf, char* pbuf) { word foundPath = 0; word foundSpace = 0; word cursor = 0; word pathIndex = 0; while (foundPath == 0) { // until we found the first space after GET (or POST) if (foundSpace == 0 && rbuf[cursor] == 32) { foundSpace = 1; } else { if (foundSpace == 1) { // until we found the second space (after the file path) if (rbuf[cursor] == 32) { // exit the loop, we are done foundPath = 1; } else { // copy the character pbuf[pathIndex] = rbuf[cursor]; //uprintc(rbuf[cursor]); pathIndex++; } } } // go to next character cursor++; } pbuf[pathIndex] = 0; // terminate string // return the path length return (pathIndex + 1); } void wizDirectoryListing(word s, char* path) { // write start of html page wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, "

", 31); word pathLen = 0; while (path[pathLen] != 0) pathLen++; wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, path, pathLen-1); wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, "

", 47); char *b = (char *) TMPMEM_LOCATION; if (wiz_listDir(path, b) == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { word listSize = 0; while (b[listSize] != 0) listSize++; if (listSize == 0) listSize = 1; wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, b, listSize-1); } // write end of html page wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, "
", 22); } void wizServeFile(word s, char* path) { BDOS_PrintConsole(path); BDOS_PrintConsole(": "); // Redirect "/" to "/INDEX.HTM" if (path[0] == 47 && path[1] == 0) { // send an actual redirect to the browser char* response = "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\nLocation: /INDEX.HTM\n"; BDOS_PrintConsole("Redirect to /INDEX.HTM\n"); wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, response, strlen(response)); // Disconnect after sending the redirect wizCmd(s, WIZNET_CR_DISCON); return; } word error = 0; word listDir = 0; if (FS_sendFullPath(&path[0]) != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) // automatically upercases the path error = 404; if (!error) { word openStatus = FS_open(); if (openStatus == FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR) listDir = 1; else if (openStatus != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) error = 404; } word fileSize = 0; if (!error && !listDir) fileSize = FS_getFileSize(); if (!error && !listDir) { if (fileSize == 0) error = 404; // handle empty files as if they do not exist } // send error response on error if (error) { BDOS_PrintConsole("404 "); // currently puts all errors under 404 // write header char* header = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\nServer: FPGC/1.0\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n"; wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, header, strlen(header)); FS_sendFullPath("/404.HTM"); if (FS_open() != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { // if the custom 404 does not exist, return own error code BDOS_PrintConsole("no 404.HTM\n"); wizSend404Response(s); } else { // send custom 404 fileSize = FS_getFileSize(); // write the response from USB BDOS_PrintConsole("/404.HTM "); wizWriteResponseFromUSB(s, fileSize); BDOS_PrintConsole("Done\n"); } } else { if (listDir) { // check if last character is a / // if not, redirect to the path with / after it word i = 0; while (path[i] != 0) i++; if (path[i-1] != '/') { //BDOS_PrintConsole(path); //BDOS_PrintConsole("\n"); path[i] = '/'; path[i+1] = 0; char* response = "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\nLocation: "; BDOS_PrintConsole("Redirect to "); BDOS_PrintConsole(path); BDOS_PrintConsole("\n"); wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, response, strlen(response)); wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, path, i+1); wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, "\n", 1); } else { BDOS_PrintConsole("200 "); // write header // currently omitting content type char* header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nServer: FPGC/1.0\n\n"; wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, header, strlen(header)); wizDirectoryListing(s, path); BDOS_PrintConsole("Done\n"); } } else { if (fileSize + 1 != 0) // really make sure no directory is being read { BDOS_PrintConsole("200 "); // write header // currently omitting content type // includes content length so the client knows how large a download is char header[128]; header[0] = 0; strcat(header, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nServer: FPGC/1.0\nContent-Length: "); char fileSizeStr[24]; itoa(fileSize, fileSizeStr); strcat(header, fileSizeStr); strcat(header, "\n\n"); wizWriteDataFromMemory(s, header, strlen(header)); // write the response from USB wizWriteResponseFromUSB(s, fileSize); BDOS_PrintConsole("Done\n"); } } } // Disconnect after sending a response wizCmd(s, WIZNET_CR_DISCON); } // Handle session for socket s void wizHandleSession(word s) { // Size of received data word rsize; rsize = wizGetSockReg16(s, WIZNET_SnRX_RSR); if (rsize == 0) { wizCmd(s, WIZNET_CR_DISCON); return; } char* rbuf = WIZrbuf; wizReadRecvData(s, rbuf, rsize); // read rbuf for requested page // parse from {GET /INFO.HTM HTTP/1.1} char pbuf[128]; // buffer for path name word pbufSize = wizGetFilePath(&rbuf[1], pbuf); wizServeFile(s, pbuf); // Free received data when not read // Not used, since we currently read the request //wizFlush(s, rsize); } int main() { BDOS_PrintConsole("Starting Web Server\n"); // Assumes that the USB drive is already properly initialized by BDOS word ip_addr[4] = {192, 168, 0, 213}; word gateway_addr[4] = {192, 168, 0, 1}; word mac_addr[6] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0x24, 0x64}; word sub_mask[4] = {255, 255, 255, 0}; wiz_Init(ip_addr, gateway_addr, mac_addr, sub_mask); // Open all sockets in TCP Server mode at port 80 wizInitSocketTCP(0, 80); wizInitSocketTCP(1, 80); wizInitSocketTCP(2, 80); wizInitSocketTCP(3, 80); wizInitSocketTCP(4, 80); wizInitSocketTCP(5, 80); wizInitSocketTCP(6, 80); // Socket s status word sxStatus; while(1) { if (HID_FifoAvailable()) { HID_FifoRead(); // remove it from the buffer return 'q'; } // handle all sockets (socket 7 is reserved by netHID) word s; for (s = 0; s < 7; s++) { // Get status for socket s sxStatus = wizGetSockReg8(s, WIZNET_SnSR); if (sxStatus == WIZNET_SOCK_CLOSED) { // Open the socket when closed // Set socket s in TCP Server mode at port 80 wizInitSocketTCP(s, 80); } else if (sxStatus == WIZNET_SOCK_ESTABLISHED) { // Handle session when a connection is established // Also reinitialize socket wizHandleSession(s); // Set socket s in TCP Server mode at port 80 wizInitSocketTCP(s, 80); } else if (sxStatus == WIZNET_SOCK_LISTEN || sxStatus == WIZNET_SOCK_SYNSENT || sxStatus == WIZNET_SOCK_SYNRECV) { // Do nothing in these cases } else { // In other cases, reset the socket // Set socket s in TCP Server mode at port 80 wizInitSocketTCP(s, 80); } } // Delay a few milliseconds // Should (could) eventually be replaced by an interrupt checker delay(10); } return 'q'; } void interrupt() { // handle all interrupts word i = getIntID(); switch(i) { case INTID_TIMER1: timer1Value = 1; // notify ending of timer1 break; case INTID_TIMER2: break; case INTID_UART0: break; case INTID_GPU: break; case INTID_TIMER3: break; case INTID_PS2: break; case INTID_UART1: break; case INTID_UART2: break; } }