// Prints some rgb colors for testing purposes #define word char #include "LIB/MATH.C" #include "LIB/STDLIB.C" #include "LIB/SYS.C" #include "LIB/GFX.C" #include "DATA/COLOR.C" #define DATA_OFFSET 3 void testTiles() { asm(".dw 0 1 2 3\n"); } int main() { GFX_initVram(); // clear all VRAM GFX_copyPaletteTable((word)DATA_PALETTE_COLOR); GFX_copyPatternTable((word)DATA_PATTERN_COLOR); word y = 0; word c = 1; word x; for (x = 0; x < 5; x++) { GFX_printWindowColored(((word)testTiles) + DATA_OFFSET, 4, GFX_WindowPosFromXY(x*4, y), x + 1); GFX_printBGColored(((word)testTiles) + DATA_OFFSET, 4, GFX_BackgroundPosFromXY(x*4, y+2), x + 1); } // Any key to quit while (1) { if (HID_FifoAvailable()) { word c = HID_FifoRead(); return 'q'; } } return 'q'; } void interrupt() { // handle all interrupts word i = getIntID(); switch(i) { case INTID_TIMER1: timer1Value = 1; // notify ending of timer1 break; case INTID_TIMER2: break; case INTID_UART0: break; case INTID_GPU: break; case INTID_TIMER3: break; case INTID_PS2: break; case INTID_UART1: break; case INTID_UART2: break; } }