// Benchmarking tool #define word char #include "LIB/MATH.C" #include "LIB/STDLIB.C" #include "LIB/SYS.C" #define N 256 // Decimals of pi to compute. #define LEN 854 // (10*N) / 3 + 1 #define TMPMEM_LOCATION 0x440000 word frameCount = 0; //word a[LEN]; word *a = (char*) TMPMEM_LOCATION; void spigotPiBench() { frameCount = 0; while (frameCount == 0); // wait until next frame to start frameCount = 0; word j = 0; word predigit = 0; word nines = 0; word x = 0; word q = 0; word k = 0; word len = 0; word i = 0; word y = 0; for(j=N; j; ) { q = 0; k = LEN+LEN-1; for(i=LEN; i; --i) { if (j == N) { x = 20 + q*i; } else { x = (10*a[i-1]) + q*i; } q = MATH_div(x, k); a[i-1] = (x-q*k); k -= 2; } k = MATH_mod(x, 10); if (k==9) { ++nines; } else { if (j) { --j; y = predigit+MATH_div(x,10); BDOS_PrintDecConsole(y); } for(; nines; --nines) { if (j) { --j; if (x >= 10) { BDOS_PrintcConsole('0'); } else { BDOS_PrintcConsole('9'); } } } predigit = k; } } BDOS_PrintConsole("\nPiBench256 took "); BDOS_PrintDecConsole(frameCount); BDOS_PrintConsole(" frames\n"); } // LoopBench: a simple increase and loop bench for a set amount of time. // reads framecount from memory in the loop. // no pipeline clears within the loop. int loopBench() { word retval = 0; asm( "push r1\npush r2\npush r3\npush r4\n" "addr2reg frameCount r2\n" "write 0 r2 r0 ; reset frameCount\n" "load 0 r4 ; score\n" "Label_ASM_Loop:\n" "read 0 r2 r3 ; read frameCount\n" "slt r3 300 r3 ; TESTDURATION here in frames\n" "beq r3 r0 3 ; check if done \n" "add r4 1 r4 ; increase score and loop\n" "jump Label_ASM_Loop\n" "jump Label_ASM_Done\n" "Label_ASM_Done:\n" "or r4 r0 r2 ; set return value\n" "write -4 r14 r2 ; write to stack to return\n" "pop r4\npop r3\npop r2\npop r1\n" ); return retval; } // CountMillionBench: how many frames it takes to do a C for loop to a million int countMillionBench() { frameCount = 0; while (frameCount == 0); // wait until next frame to start frameCount = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++); return frameCount; } int main() { BDOS_PrintlnConsole("---------------FPGCbench---------------\n"); BDOS_PrintConsole("LoopBench: "); frameCount = 0; while (frameCount == 0); // wait until next frame to start BDOS_PrintDecConsole(loopBench()); BDOS_PrintcConsole('\n'); BDOS_PrintConsole("CountMillionBench: "); BDOS_PrintDecConsole(countMillionBench()); BDOS_PrintConsole(" frames\n"); BDOS_PrintConsole("PiBench256:\n"); spigotPiBench(); return 'q'; } void interrupt() { // handle all interrupts word i = getIntID(); switch(i) { case INTID_TIMER1: timer1Value = 1; // notify ending of timer1 break; case INTID_TIMER2: break; case INTID_UART0: break; case INTID_GPU: frameCount++; break; case INTID_TIMER3: break; case INTID_PS2: break; case INTID_UART1: break; case INTID_UART2: break; } }