/* * Filesystem library * Handles all filesystem related work for BDOS using CH376. * Uses only bottom USB port (SPI1 CH376), * allowing top USB top to be used for other USB devices (like HID). */ // uses stdlib.c #define FS_INTERRUPT_ADDR 0xC0272D //CH376 Codes #define FS_CMD_GET_IC_VER 0x01 #define FS_CMD_SET_BAUDRATE 0x02 #define FS_CMD_ENTER_SLEEP 0x03 #define FS_CMD_SET_USB_SPEED 0x04 #define FS_CMD_RESET_ALL 0x05 #define FS_CMD_CHECK_EXIST 0x06 #define FS_CMD_SET_SD0_INT 0x0b #define FS_CMD_SET_RETRY 0x0b #define FS_CMD_GET_FILE_SIZE 0x0c #define FS_CMD_SET_FILE_SIZE 0x0d #define FS_CMD_SET_USB_ADDRESS 0x13 #define FS_CMD_SET_USB_MODE 0x15 #define FS_MODE_HOST_0 0x05 #define FS_MODE_HOST_1 0x07 #define FS_MODE_HOST_2 0x06 #define FS_CMD_GET_STATUS 0x22 #define FS_CMD_RD_USB_DATA0 0x27 #define FS_CMD_WR_USB_DATA 0x2c #define FS_CMD_WR_REQ_DATA 0x2d #define FS_CMD_WR_OFS_DATA 0x2e #define FS_CMD_SET_FILE_NAME 0x2f #define FS_CMD_DISK_CONNECT 0x30 #define FS_CMD_DISK_MOUNT 0x31 #define FS_CMD_FILE_OPEN 0x32 #define FS_CMD_FILE_ENUM_GO 0x33 #define FS_CMD_FILE_CREATE 0x34 #define FS_CMD_FILE_ERASE 0x35 #define FS_CMD_FILE_CLOSE 0x36 #define FS_CMD_DIR_INFO_READ 0x37 #define FS_CMD_DIR_INFO_SAVE 0x38 #define FS_CMD_BYTE_LOCATE 0x39 #define FS_CMD_BYTE_READ 0x3a #define FS_CMD_BYTE_RD_GO 0x3b #define FS_CMD_BYTE_WRITE 0x3c #define FS_CMD_BYTE_WR_GO 0x3d #define FS_CMD_DISK_CAPACITY 0x3e #define FS_CMD_DISK_QUERY 0x3f #define FS_CMD_DIR_CREATE 0x40 #define FS_CMD_SET_ADDRESS 0x45 #define FS_CMD_GET_DESCR 0x46 #define FS_CMD_SET_CONFIG 0x49 #define FS_CMD_AUTO_CONFIG 0x4D #define FS_CMD_ISSUE_TKN_X 0x4E #define FS_ANSW_RET_SUCCESS 0x51 #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS 0x14 #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_CONNECT 0x15 #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISCONNECT 0x16 #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_USB_READY 0x18 #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ 0x1d #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_WRITE 0x1e #define FS_ANSW_RET_ABORT 0x5F #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_ERR 0x1f #define FS_ANSW_USB_INT_BUF_OVER 0x17 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR 0x41 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_MISS_FILE 0x42 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_FOUND_NAME 0x43 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_DISK_DISCON 0x82 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_LARGE_SECTOR 0x84 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_TYPE_ERROR 0x92 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_BPB_ERROR 0xa1 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_DISK_FULL 0xb1 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_FDT_OVER 0xb2 #define FS_ANSW_ERR_FILE_CLOSE 0xb4 #define FS_ERR_LONGFILENAME 0x01 #define FS_ATTR_READ_ONLY 0x01 #define FS_ATTR_HIDDEN 0x02 #define FS_ATTR_SYSTEM 0x04 #define FS_ATTR_VOLUME_ID 0x08 #define FS_ATTR_DIRECTORY 0x10 #define FS_ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20 #define FS_LDIR_FNAME_SIZE 16 // 2d array for filename list and 1d array for filesize list used in listdir char (*fsLdirFnames)[FS_LDIR_FNAME_SIZE] = (char (*)[FS_LDIR_FNAME_SIZE]) FS_LDIR_FNAME_ADDR; word *fsLdirFsizes= (word *) FS_LDIR_FSIZE_ADDR; word fsLdirEntries = 0; // index for lists // Workaround for defines in ASM void FS_asmDefines() { asm( "define FS_SPI1_CS_ADDR = 0xC0272C ; address of SPI1_CS\n" "define FS_SPI1_ADDR = 0xC0272B ; address of SPI1\n" ); } // Sets SPI1_CS low void FS_spiBeginTransfer() { asm( "; backup regs\n" "push r1\n" "push r2\n" "load32 FS_SPI1_CS_ADDR r2 ; r2 = FS_SPI1_CS_ADDR\n" "load 0 r1 ; r1 = 0 (enable)\n" "write 0 r2 r1 ; write to SPI1_CS\n" "; restore regs\n" "pop r2\n" "pop r1\n" ); } // Sets SPI1_CS high void FS_spiEndTransfer() { asm( "; backup regs\n" "push r1\n" "push r2\n" "load32 FS_SPI1_CS_ADDR r2 ; r2 = FS_SPI1_CS_ADDR\n" "load 1 r1 ; r1 = 1 (disable)\n" "write 0 r2 r1 ; write to SPI1_CS\n" "; restore regs\n" "pop r2\n" "pop r1\n" ); } // Write dataByte over SPI1 and return read value // write 0x00 for a read word FS_spiTransfer(word dataByte) { word retval = 0; asm( "load32 FS_SPI1_ADDR r2 ; r2 = FS_SPI1_ADDR\n" "write 0 r2 r4 ; write r4 over SPI1\n" "read 0 r2 r2 ; read return value\n" "write -4 r14 r2 ; write to stack to return\n" ); return retval; } // Get status after waiting for an interrupt word FS_WaitGetStatus() { word intValue = 1; while(intValue) { word *i = (word *) FS_INTERRUPT_ADDR; intValue = *i; } FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_GET_STATUS); word retval = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return retval; } // Get status without using interrupts word FS_noWaitGetStatus() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_GET_STATUS); word retval = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return retval; } // Function to send a string (without terminating 0) void FS_sendString(char* str) { char chr = *str; // first character of str while (chr != 0) // continue until null value { FS_spiTransfer(chr); str++; // go to next character address chr = *str; // get character from address } } // Function to send data d of size s void FS_sendData(char* d, word s) { char chr = *d; // first byte of data // write s bytes word i; for(i = 0; (unsigned int) i < (unsigned int)s; i++) { FS_spiTransfer(chr); d++; // go to next data address chr = *d; // get data from address } } // Returns IC version of CH376 chip // good test to know if the communication with chip works word FS_getICver() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_GET_IC_VER); word icVer = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return icVer; } // Sets USB mode to mode, returns status code // which should be FS_ANSW_RET_SUCCESS when successful // probably does not need all three delays though! word FS_setUSBmode(word mode) { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_SET_USB_MODE); FS_spiEndTransfer(); delay(1); FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(mode); FS_spiEndTransfer(); delay(1); FS_spiBeginTransfer(); word status = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); FS_spiEndTransfer(); delay(1); return status; } // Resets and intitializes CH376 // returns FS_ANSW_RET_SUCCESS on success word FS_init() { FS_asmDefines(); // prevent deletion of function by optimizer FS_spiEndTransfer(); // start with cs high delay(10); // reset FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_RESET_ALL); FS_spiEndTransfer(); delay(100); // wait after reset // USB mode 0 return FS_setUSBmode(FS_MODE_HOST_0); } // Connects a drive: // - waits for drive connection, // - sets usb host mode // - waits for drive to be ready // - mounts drive // - also initializes current path to / // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_connectDrive() { // wait forever until an USB device is connected while(FS_WaitGetStatus() != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_CONNECT); // USB mode 1 word retval = FS_setUSBmode(FS_MODE_HOST_1); // return on error if (retval != FS_ANSW_RET_SUCCESS) { return retval; } // USB mode 2 retval = FS_setUSBmode(FS_MODE_HOST_2); // return on error if (retval != FS_ANSW_RET_SUCCESS) { return retval; } // need to check again for device connection after changing USB mode while(FS_WaitGetStatus() != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_CONNECT); // connect to drive FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_DISK_CONNECT); FS_spiEndTransfer(); retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); // return on error if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_DISK_MOUNT); FS_spiEndTransfer(); // reset path variable to / SHELL_path[0] = '/'; SHELL_path[1] = 0; // terminate string // also reset path backup strcpy(SHELL_pathBackup, SHELL_path); return FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // Returns file size of currently opened file (32 bits) word FS_getFileSize() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_GET_FILE_SIZE); FS_spiTransfer(0x68); word retval = FS_spiTransfer(0); retval = retval + (FS_spiTransfer(0) << 8); retval = retval + (FS_spiTransfer(0) << 16); retval = retval + (FS_spiTransfer(0) << 24); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return retval; } // Sets cursor to position s // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_setCursor(word s) { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_BYTE_LOCATE); FS_spiTransfer(s); FS_spiTransfer(s >> 8); FS_spiTransfer(s >> 16); FS_spiTransfer(s >> 24); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // Reads s bytes into buf // if bytesToWord is true, four bytes will be stored in one address/word // can read 65536 bytes per call // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success // TODO: this surely can be optimized for speed in some way! (hint: assembly) word FS_readFile(char* buf, word s, word bytesToWord) { if (s == 0) { return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_BYTE_READ); FS_spiTransfer(s); FS_spiTransfer(s >> 8); FS_spiEndTransfer(); word retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); // return on error if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ) { return retval; } word bytesRead = 0; word wordsRead = 0; word doneReading = 0; // clear first address buf[wordsRead] = 0; // used for shifting bytes to word word currentByteShift = 24; while (doneReading == 0) { // read set of bytes (max 255) FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_RD_USB_DATA0); word readLen = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); word readByte; word i; for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) { readByte = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); // read 4 bytes into one word, from left to right if (bytesToWord) { readByte = readByte << currentByteShift; buf[wordsRead] = buf[wordsRead] + readByte; if (currentByteShift == 0) { currentByteShift = 24; wordsRead++; buf[wordsRead] = 0; } else { currentByteShift -= 8; } } else { buf[bytesRead] = (char)readByte; bytesRead = bytesRead + 1; } } FS_spiEndTransfer(); // requesting another set of data FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_BYTE_RD_GO); FS_spiEndTransfer(); retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); if (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { doneReading = 1; } else if (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ) { // read another block } else { GFX_PrintConsole("E: Error while reading data\n"); return retval; } } return retval; } // Writes data d of size s // can only write 65536 bytes at a time // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success // TODO: optimize for speed word FS_writeFile(char* d, word s) { if (s == 0) { return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_BYTE_WRITE); FS_spiTransfer(s); FS_spiTransfer(s >> 8); FS_spiEndTransfer(); word retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); // return on error if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_WRITE) { return retval; } word bytesWritten = 0; word doneWriting = 0; while (doneWriting == 0) { // write set of bytes (max 255) FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_WR_REQ_DATA); word wrLen = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); FS_sendData(d + bytesWritten, wrLen); bytesWritten = bytesWritten + wrLen; FS_spiEndTransfer(); // update file size FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_BYTE_WR_GO); FS_spiEndTransfer(); retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); if (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { doneWriting = 1; } else if (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_WRITE) { // write another block } else { GFX_PrintConsole("E: Error while writing data\n"); return retval; } } return retval; } // Returns status of opening a file/directory // usually the successful status codes are: // FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS || FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR || FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ word FS_open() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_FILE_OPEN); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // Returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_delete() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_FILE_ERASE); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // Returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_close() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_FILE_CLOSE); FS_spiTransfer(0x01); //0x01 if update filesize, else 0x00 FS_spiEndTransfer(); return FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // Returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_createDir() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_DIR_CREATE); FS_spiEndTransfer(); return FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // Creates file (recreates if exists) // new files are 1 byte long // have not found a way to set it to 0 bytes, // since FS_CMD_SET_FILE_SIZE does not work // automatically closes file // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_createFile() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_FILE_CREATE); FS_spiEndTransfer(); word retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); // Return on error if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } // open and close file FS_open(); FS_close(); return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } // Sends single path f // no processing of f is done, it is directly sent // this means no error checking on file length! void FS_sendSinglePath(char* f) { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_SET_FILE_NAME); FS_sendString(f); // send file name FS_spiTransfer(0); // close with null FS_spiEndTransfer(); } // Sends path f // can be relative or absolute file or directory // REQUIRES CAPITAL LETTERS and must conform the 8.3 filename standard // function can handle folders with forward slashes // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_sendFullPath(char* f) { // path to uppercase and replace backslash by slash word i = 0; while (f[i] != 0) { f[i] = toUpper(f[i]); if (f[i] == '\\') { f[i] = '/'; } i++; } word removedSlash = 0; // to restore removed slash // remove (single) trailing slash if exists // we reuse i here since it points to the end of the path if (i > 1) // ignore the root path { if (f[i-1] == '/') { f[i-1] = 0; removedSlash = 1; } } // if first char is a /, then we go back to root if (f[0] == '/') { FS_sendSinglePath("/"); FS_open(); } i = 0; char buf[16]; // buffer for single folder/file name word bufi = 0; while (f[i] != 0) { // handle all directories if (f[i] == 47) // forward slash { // return error on opening folders containing a single or double dot if ((bufi == 1 && buf[0] == '.') || (bufi == 2 && buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '.')) { return FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR; } // add null to end of buf buf[bufi] = 0; // send buf FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_SET_FILE_NAME); FS_sendString(buf); // send folder name FS_spiTransfer(0); // close with null FS_spiEndTransfer(); // reset bufi bufi = 0; // open folder word retval = FS_open(); // return on if failure / folder not found if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS && retval != FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR) { return retval; } } else { buf[bufi] = f[i]; bufi++; if (bufi > 13) { return FS_ERR_LONGFILENAME; // exit if folder/file name is too long } } i++; } /* if (removedSlash) // restore removed slash if there { f[i] = '/'; f[i+1] = 0; }*/ // handle filename itself (if any) // add null to end of buf buf[bufi] = 0; if (bufi == 0) { return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; // exit if there is no filename after the folder } // return error on opening folders containing a single or double dot if ((bufi == 1 && buf[0] == '.') || (bufi == 2 && buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '.')) { return FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR; } // send buf (last part of string) FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_SET_FILE_NAME); FS_sendString(buf); // send file name FS_spiTransfer(0); // close with null FS_spiEndTransfer(); return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } // Parses and prints a string (useful for name and extension) after removing trailing spaces // len should be <= 8 chars // does not add a new line at the end. // returns length of written string word FS_parseFATstring(char* fatBuffer, word len, char* b) { if (len > 8) { GFX_PrintConsole("FATstring: Len argument > 8\n"); return 0; } word retval = 0; word bufLen = 0; // buffer of parsed string char nameBuf[9]; nameBuf[len] = 0; // loop backwards until a non-space character is found // then, write string to nameBuf from there, keeping spaces in filename if any word foundChar = 0; word i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!foundChar) { if (fatBuffer[len-1-i] == ' ') { nameBuf[len-1-i] = 0; // set null until a non-space char is found } else { foundChar = 1; retval = len-i; nameBuf[len-1-i] = fatBuffer[len-1-i]; // write the non-space char } } else { nameBuf[len-1-i] = fatBuffer[len-1-i]; // copy char } } // write to buffer i = 0; while (nameBuf[i] != 0) { b[bufLen] = nameBuf[i]; bufLen++; i++; } return retval; } // Parses and writes name.extension and filesize on one line // ignores lines with '.' and ".." as filename void FS_parseFATdata(word datalen, char* fatBuffer) { if (datalen != 32) { memcpy(fsLdirFnames[fsLdirEntries], "", 1); fsLdirFsizes[fsLdirEntries] = 0; GFX_PrintConsole("Unexpected FAT table length\n"); return; } // ignore '.' if (memcmp(fatBuffer, ". ", 11)) { memcpy(fsLdirFnames[fsLdirEntries], ".", 2); fsLdirFsizes[fsLdirEntries] = -1; return; } // ignore ".." if (memcmp(fatBuffer, ".. ", 11)) { memcpy(fsLdirFnames[fsLdirEntries], "..", 3); fsLdirFsizes[fsLdirEntries] = -1; return; } // parse filename word fnameLen = FS_parseFATstring(fatBuffer, 8, fsLdirFnames[fsLdirEntries]); // add '.' and parse extension if (fatBuffer[8] != ' ' || fatBuffer[9] != ' ' || fatBuffer[10] != ' ') { fsLdirFnames[fsLdirEntries][fnameLen] = '.'; fnameLen++; fnameLen += FS_parseFATstring(fatBuffer+8, 3, fsLdirFnames[fsLdirEntries] + fnameLen); } // check if dir word attributes = fatBuffer[11]; word isDir = 0; if (attributes & 0x10) { isDir = 1; } fsLdirFnames[fsLdirEntries][fnameLen] = 0; // terminate // stop if dir if (isDir) { fsLdirFsizes[fsLdirEntries] = -1; return; } // filesize word fileSize = 0; fileSize += fatBuffer[28]; fileSize += (fatBuffer[29] << 8); fileSize += (fatBuffer[30] << 16); fileSize += (fatBuffer[31] << 24); fsLdirFsizes[fsLdirEntries] = fileSize; } // Reads FAT data for single entry // FAT data is parsed by FS_parseFatData() void FS_readFATdata() { FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_RD_USB_DATA0); word datalen = FS_spiTransfer(0x0); char fatbuf[32]; word i; for (i = 0; i < datalen; i++) { fatbuf[i] = FS_spiTransfer(0x00); } FS_parseFATdata(datalen, fatbuf); FS_spiEndTransfer(); } // Lists directory of full path f // f needs to start with / and not end with / // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS if successful // uses fsLdirX variables to sort all entries // writes parsed result to address b // result is terminated with a \0 word FS_listDir(char* f, char* b) { b[0] = 0; // initialize output string word retval = FS_sendFullPath(f); // return on failure if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } retval = FS_open(); // return on failure if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS && retval != FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR) { return retval; } FS_sendSinglePath("*"); retval = FS_open(); // return on failure if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ) { return retval; } fsLdirEntries = 0; // reset while (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_DISK_READ) { FS_readFATdata(); fsLdirEntries++; FS_spiBeginTransfer(); FS_spiTransfer(FS_CMD_FILE_ENUM_GO); FS_spiEndTransfer(); retval = FS_WaitGetStatus(); } // print lists word i, j, tmpFsize; char tmpFname[FS_LDIR_FNAME_SIZE]; char fsizeBuf[12]; // max 4.29B which fits in 12b + term // sort ascending on filesize to get folders on top for (i = 0; i < fsLdirEntries; ++i) { for (j = i + 1; j < fsLdirEntries; ++j) { if (fsLdirFsizes[i] > fsLdirFsizes[j]) // signed comparison { tmpFsize = fsLdirFsizes[i]; strcpy(tmpFname, fsLdirFnames[i]); fsLdirFsizes[i] = fsLdirFsizes[j]; strcpy(fsLdirFnames[i], fsLdirFnames[j]); fsLdirFsizes[j] = tmpFsize; strcpy(fsLdirFnames[j], tmpFname); } } } // sort ascending on filename without mixing files and folders for (i = 0; i < fsLdirEntries; ++i) { for (j = i + 1; j < fsLdirEntries; ++j) { if ((fsLdirFsizes[i] >= 0 && fsLdirFsizes[j] >= 0) || (fsLdirFsizes[i] < 0 && fsLdirFsizes[j] < 0)) // do not mix { if (strcmp(fsLdirFnames[i], fsLdirFnames[j]) > 0) // signed comparison { tmpFsize = fsLdirFsizes[i]; strcpy(tmpFname, fsLdirFnames[i]); fsLdirFsizes[i] = fsLdirFsizes[j]; strcpy(fsLdirFnames[i], fsLdirFnames[j]); fsLdirFsizes[j] = tmpFsize; strcpy(fsLdirFnames[j], tmpFname); } } } } // write printable string to b for (i = 0; i < fsLdirEntries; i++) { // skip "." and ".." if (strcmp(fsLdirFnames[i], ".") && strcmp(fsLdirFnames[i], "..")) { // print filename.ext strcat(b, fsLdirFnames[i]); // skip filesize if directory if (fsLdirFsizes[i] >= 0) { // append with spaces until a width of 16 is reached word fnameLen = strlen(fsLdirFnames[i]); while (fnameLen < 16) { strcat(b, " "); fnameLen++; } itoa(fsLdirFsizes[i], fsizeBuf); strcat(b, fsizeBuf); } strcat(b, "\n"); } } return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } // Returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on successful change of dir // will return error FS_ANSW_ERR_FILE_CLOSE if dir is a file word FS_changeDir(char* f) { // special case for root, since FS_open() returns as if it opened a file if (f[0] == '/' && f[1] == 0) { FS_sendSinglePath("/"); FS_open(); return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } word retval = FS_sendFullPath(f); // return on failure if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } retval = FS_open(); // return sucess on open dir if (retval == FS_ANSW_ERR_OPEN_DIR) { return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } // close and return on opening file if (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { FS_close(); return FS_ANSW_ERR_FILE_CLOSE; } else // otherwise return error code { return retval; } } // Goes up a directory by removing the last directory from the global path // does nothing if already at root // assumes no trailing / in path void FS_goUpDirectory() { // do nothing if at root if (SHELL_path[0] == '/' && SHELL_path[1] == 0) { return; } word i = 0; word lastSlash = 0; // loop through path while (SHELL_path[i] != 0) { // save location of lastest / if (SHELL_path[i] == '/') { lastSlash = i; } i++; } // set location of last slash to end of string SHELL_path[lastSlash] = 0; // rix removal of root directory / if (SHELL_path[0] != '/') { SHELL_path[0] = '/'; SHELL_path[1] = 0; // terminate string } } // Appends relative path f to current path // reverts when invalid resulting path // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS on success word FS_setRelativePath(char* f) { // get length of currentPath word currentPathLength = 0; while (SHELL_path[currentPathLength] != 0) { currentPathLength++; } // append current path with / // only when not at root if (currentPathLength == 1) { currentPathLength -= 1; } else { SHELL_path[currentPathLength] = '/'; } // append relative path word currentPathIndex = currentPathLength + 1; word relativePathIndex = 0; while (f[relativePathIndex] != 0) { SHELL_path[currentPathIndex] = f[relativePathIndex]; currentPathIndex++; relativePathIndex++; } // terminate new current path SHELL_path[currentPathIndex] = 0; // test new path and revert if failure word retval = FS_changeDir(SHELL_path); if (retval != FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { // in case of being at root path if (currentPathLength == 0) { SHELL_path[0] = '/'; SHELL_path[1] = 0; } else { SHELL_path[currentPathLength] = 0; // set terminator back to original place } } return retval; } // Changes current path based on f // if f is relative, then the path is added // if f is absolute, then the path will be replaced by f // if f is "..", then the last directory will be removed from f // if f is empty, then nothing will be done and FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS is returned // TODO: remove trailing / if any // TODO: make sure that path will be < max_pathlength characters // returns FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS for valid paths word FS_changePath(char* f) { if (f[0] == 0) { return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } // if f == "..", go up a directory if (f[0] == '.' && f[1] == '.' && f[2] == 0) { FS_goUpDirectory(); return FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS; } // if absolute path else if (f[0] == '/') { // if absolute path is valid word retval = FS_changeDir(f); if (retval == FS_ANSW_USB_INT_SUCCESS) { // copy f to SHELL_path strcpy(SHELL_path, f); } return retval; } // if relative path else { return FS_setRelativePath(f); } } // Calculates full path given arg f. // f can be relative or absolute. // full path is written to SHELL_path // no checks are done to verify if the path is valid // so backup of SHELL_path is advised void FS_getFullPath(char* f) { if (f[0] == 0) { return; } // absolutee path if (f[0] == '/') { strcpy(SHELL_path, f); // copy f to SHELL_path } else { strcat(SHELL_path, "/"); // append / to SHELL_path strcat(SHELL_path, f); // append f to SHELL_path } }